Oh, the irony...
What's there to inquire? Save yourselves the money (you need it...read on).It's a crisis of confidence unlike anything America has felt in a generation. Residents of tiny Newton, Iowa, wake up to the distressing news that a Chinese firm - What's it called? Haier? That's Chinese? - wants to buy their biggest employer, the famed but foundering Maytag appliance company. Two days later, out of nowhere, a massive, government-owned Chinese oil company muscles into the bidding for America's Unocal. The very next day a ship in Xinsha, China, loads the first Chinese-made cars bound for the West, where they'll compete with the products of Detroit's struggling old giants.
All in one week. And only two months earlier a Chinese company most Americans had never heard of took over the personal computer business formerly owned - and mismanaged into billions of dollars of losses - by the great IBM.
- Geoffrey Colvin, Can Americans Compete?
Fortune Magazine, July 25, 2005
P.S. Mark, if you actually friggin' took my room in the house I'm going to kick your ass.
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