Saturday, August 27, 2005

Some feel good stuff:

  • "Aww, Jess, it's OVER...I didn't even realize it was the last bite and now it's gone!" re: Farah's highly anticipated breakfast wrap at WhiteSpot
  • The Valley. Enough said.
  • Abercrombie & Fitch real life-size model
  • "Yeah, I'm sure we can just park our kayak on this shore since it's closer to avoid actually using our muscles to paddle against the current and then we can use those atrophying muscles to carry the 6000000kg kayak to the other shore" re: Overtime kayaking with my precious Princess
  • Party Central 2005 at Aqua and Crush...who the hell made me chug that glass full of wine? The pre-drink drinks to a party I wasn't even going to? FESS UP!
  • "Elge" is it's own legend.
  • Shabu gluttony, gluttony with Puneet always, I could go on...
  • Lobsterfication at Spanish Banks with Princess
  • "Just shut up and make out already!" re: Pretty drunken times...mmmhmm...
  • "She's brutal" re: Let's not go there okay
  • "I promise...two HOURS MAX" re: Poker. What else? Adam's promise to me at 12am. Unfortunate circumstances and mother long heads up (until almost 4am) = death at 730am work the next day.
  • "Sta, PLEASE can you put the song on one more time while I fall asleep?" re: David Grey - This Year's Love, my lullaby :)
  • "Jess, I promise more poker. I don't even like it." re: Kevin Tse's promise to me the day before he played poker. Do you see a trend?
  • Ciara...I mean Sta.
  • "Fitty"...I mean me.
  • Sole Grind
  • The cannon in the back of the pickup
  • Rollerblading adventures parts 1-4
  • "Who is the fattest man in the NBA?" re: Oliver Miller consensus followed by Shawn Kemp
  • The Chief
  • Sailing
  • GAP (omg)
  • My birthday...thank you to my friends!

    Needless to say, Vancouver was awesome. Hung out with great friends, met some amazing new people, enjoyed the sunshine...

    Nine weeks later, I am a person armed with new realizations, new values, new perspectives. It's been an eye-opening vacation/work term. A time for personal growth and reflection, perhaps. I'm not sure exactly who reads this anymore, so when you all have time to sit down and chitchat with me...we'll get into the nitty-gritty. Looking forward to what the future brings. Pondering life goals, decisions, actions.

    thank you...:)


    At 11:13 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

    welcome home! =)


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