I smell like a salty, wet fish. Now I know how sushi feels.Kayaking was awesome! Could have been better weather, but it was a lot of fun chit chatting with Princess on the open waters and getting caught in the middle of a regatta.
Inhaled WhiteSpot after strenuous upper extremity activity. Pretty good, too bad I couldn't taste much after I burned my tongue on the clam chowder.
Pre-drink yesterday at AVL's resulted in self drunkenness joining the rest of the druggie/drunken East Vancouverites on the SkyTrain and bus. My tomato face probably just blended in. You wonder why bus stations smell like pee...because drunks need to pee after all those frigging bumps, stops and starts. I know the secret now.
Looks like I might have to go into the office on Friday after all...even AFTER my evaluation. Damnation to references or I would just boogey after I signed that eval form. Is it sad that I'm already looking at placements for January-February and March-April 2006 as I'm finishing these mother placements? Avoiding and dreading mental health like the plague. I am only applying to Toronto and I'm demanding that my coordinator place me there...I will accept nothing less than Mississauga (haha)! Mental health looks like my last placement as there are CAMH positions at the Queen St. and Clarke sites during that session. I really want to do peds again for Jan-Feb. Sick Kids is optimal, Bloorview MacMillan looks good too...please system, don't place me in Kingston or Boonesville, Ontario...or worse yet, Boonesville, Newfoundland.
Below are pictures of Aqua, rollerblading adventure pt 2, kayaking

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