Back to reality
It's been an amazing (to say the least) 9 weeks in British Columbia. It definitely exceeded all expectations and I'm thankful that I had a safe and awesome trip!
If you've been following my blog, I won't have to recap my entire summer - it's been pretty eventful...definitely the best summer in a long time, even with doing my placement for 4 months straight. If you haven' have a lot of reading to do. >:(
Reflections, insiders to come tomorrow.
I'll recap my vacation week on Vancouver Island and Whistler though...
Seattle: August 19, 2005
Peace Arch, international border, friggin' massive lineup to get to the rotten side of the continent. Humor I just remembered someone saying while at my political dinner at Foundation: "Canada is just America's funny little hat". I burst out in uncontrollable laughter at the table.
Scarley and I embark upon shopping mission 34783 in Seattle, WA! Saw a truck carrying a cannon in it's trunk, Darrk Road, Sawashmimoo village, A&F real life model!!, Canadian debit card debacle, etc. Didn't buy too much, but it was good quality time spent with Scarley before she leaves for London in September. Ate at Vina's afterward with Leon, Jon, AVL, Princess, Sammi and Scarley and then proceeded to pass out on Sta's couch during Kung Fu Hustle.
Victoria: August 20, 2005
Left West Vancouver for sole Vancouver Island weekend retreat armed with Mapquest directions to and from each stop point along my journey, which proved to be absolutely USELESS. Somehow stumbled my way to Butchart Gardens in Victoria Saturday afternoon. The flowers were absolutely gorgeous...Edwards Gardens ain't nothing compared to it. There were tons of senior citizens strolling was quite cute. I then found my way to my hotel in Victoria somehow and suited up for rollerblading adventure pt 3 along the Galloping Goose Trail that runs all through Victoria more or less.

I drove downtown to see the Parliament buildings and the Empress Hotel. It was a beautiful day out and there were tons of people strolling around in the evening. I passed out at about 10pm whilst reading Freakonomics (which surprisingly, is pretty good).

This is a picture of the harbourfront area in Victoria. There were a lot of Native artists selling jewelery and crafts along the sidewalk. There were tons of musicians and street performers as well. It was such a beautiful evening.

This is a picture of the 13 year-old (I'm estimating) bag-piper on the corner of the street. He was amazing and he had the lungs of...of...I dunno, Lance Armstrong? He played for hours on end. He was still playing when I left. I gave him my Starbucks money instead of gluttonizing myself on Chai lattes.
Port Alberni/Tofino: August 21, 2005
This is taken somewhere between Victoria and Nanaimo. Amazing.

Left Victoria for Port Alberni in the morning. Long but amazing drive along the coast. Dropped my stuff off at the hotel in Port Alberni and proceeded to Tofino. Stopped by Long Beach (12km stretch of beach on the most western part of Vancouver Island). Lots of surfers despite the bad weather. Ate some fish and chips and hung around near the water. Rollerbladed along the path by the highway and almost died many times. Oh yeah, and got a mother of a speeding ticket (while driving, not blading).
Whistler: August 22-24, 2005
Picked Puneet and Allie up in Squamish on the 22nd for fun times in Whistler! Walked around Whistler Village in the evening and planned out adventures for the 23rd. Decided on biking around the valley and "tree-trekking", which is walking along suspension bridges made out of Red Cedar (BC's official tree, good-smelling, long-lasting, and durable) and learned a lot about black bears (they can pause their pregnancy!) and how to distinguish the Western Hemlock (Washington's official tree) and the Douglas Fir. Watched crazy people do the zip line from Blackcomb Mountain to Whistler Mountain. Ate at a seafood restaurant and then ate again at Milestones. The next day, Allie and Puneet did the luge because some dad gave us tickets earlier because they were leaving before they could use them. Oh yeah, and Puneet fell real hard in the Valley. But for sake of dignity and pride...let's say it was on Whistler Mountain mountain biking...

This is Puneet and I in Whistler Village

Biking in the Valley (aka vigorous mountain biking)

Find the doggy's stick and win a prize

Myself and Allie, in the trees!

Fitzsimmon's Creek, dividing Whistler and Blackcomb Mountains (the water is a milky blue-green due to the pressure of the glaciers, similar to alpine water)

Western Hemlock...or...was it Douglas Fir? :-S
Vancouver: August 24, 2005Dinner at Vij's with Sta and watched "Red Eye" with Sta, Kev, Adam, Kelvin, and Edith. Movie was...subpar...what's happening with the movie industry as of late?? I need some good entertainment to fill my 3 week rest break with and I've watched all the seasons of 24, Alias, Sex in the City, and Six Feet Under! Had some drinks at Earl's after and ending up sleeping late.
Toronto: August 25, 2005Lunch with my dear Farah.
Arrive and glutton on "lo fan" and yummiest homemade apple crisp of my life.
Help me, I'm so tired (and full).
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