All good things...
Umm...feeling fed up lately. Not frustrated or angry, just kinda annoyed. Seems like expect anything these days and disappointment rains down upon you. People don't change. Whatever. I'm over it.Wong had courtside seats to Raps v. Det on Friday and I had a fever of 104. HOW SAD!! I missed my chance. Probably a good thing though - could have gotten CB4 sick for the playoffs. mom could have gotten 6 tickets to the playoffs but I asked her too late and they were all sold out. ARGH! Face value! :(
Weather is gross outside. Good thing I don't have to be in until the afternoon to see my kiddies! I'm sort of hungry now so I'm gonna get some food but I'll post more later probably...
JOHN MAYER TOMORROW!!! WOOOT! I hope I get better so I can sing along!
Last vball game tonight. Bball starts next week and maybe playing vball with Brando and Stevo.

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