Sunday, March 27, 2005


Cut your losses.

Like in poker. Cut your friggin' losses.
You feel like you've gone so far while losing so feel like you'll win one day. One day soon.

Okay fine.
So you picked Michigan State every year 'cause they're your team. EVERY YEAR. And they disappoint you every decide that this year you're not gonna take that chance with them and you pick Wake Forest. BAAAAM KABOOOM MSU is in the Final Four. (Sorry, Rich).

FYI: This is a special case. This is March Madness. If March Madness were life, I wouldn't be sitting here typing this.

So you think you can win...
Not necessarily, my dearies. Not necessarily. When all signs point to no, it means NO. Capital. Flashing. Red. If it looks like a duck, quacks like a duck...dude, it's a flippin' duck.

Now, before I continue, this post isn't about me in particular. It was just a 3:25AM.

A second thought...
I saw "Alfie" tonight. On one hand, Jude Law is mother HOT. On the other...I'm freakin' glad karma kicks people's asses.

Peace out, assholes.

PostScript: Happy thoughts tomorrow.


At 7:30 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


good choice. cut your losses! i would do exactly the same thing!


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