Smiles and giggles...
...for assignment extensions!I love Wednesdays. No class until 4pm. And sometimes I don't even go to that one!
Some fishy stuff is going on in America to say the least and I believe I will take on the civil responsibility of telling the public (from an anti-Republican viewpoint, of course).
1. Jay told me a bunch of stuff that an Enron exec told him in a presentation at Queen's. Stuff ranges from fabricating the entire Afghanistan and Iraq situation in order to implement "stable governments" in those countries. This was to please big oil companies in order to secure a pipeline in the Middle East. If this is true, that means 9/11 must have been a ploy to blame someone (Osama) or somewhere (Afghanistan) for the terrorist attack. Could Bush and the US be so incredibly sick and corrupt that they would have staged 9/11 in order to start their oil monopoly of the Middle East and to make their oil counterparts happy (as they expressed the sentiment that they would not back an oil pipeline if it was in a country without a stable government because their investments would be compromised)?
2. Assassination of ex-Lebanon PM Hariri staged as well? Hmm...another tactic by the Bush administration to blame Syria in order to create tension there and perhaps as a lead into "invading" them sometime too? Can't really use the "unstable government" excuse this time to declare a war (btw, 75% of victims of war are civilians)...must think of something better...and this seems like a good excuse.
It is still unclear what caused the massive explosion, but a little-known group calling itself Victory and Jihad in Greater Syria has issued a statement claiming the killing, saying it was a suicide bomb, says the BBC's Kim Ghattas in Beirut.The authenticity of the statement could not be verified. <---how convenient...
The White House condemned the attack and said Lebanon should be allowed to pursue its political future "free from violence... and free from Syrian occupation".
3. Iranian nuclear weapons...sounds familiar, no?
Tehran is told it must be more transparent about its nuclear programme in a united call by the US, Europe and UN.
More transparent? North Korea has issued many statements about the fact that nuclear weapons have been developed, are being developed and are currently present in their country. Doesn't seem like anyone cares about that...oh yeah, 'cause they got no oil. I say North Korea should just bomb America's ass to show them what they're made of - a lot of uranium.
4. To continue...I bet you guys all know about the Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, and Lebanon...all I want to ask is: What about the fighting in Congo? Guerrillas in the Philippines? Crack in South America? Human rights in Nepal? Aids in Africa? Child slavery in Asia? The incredible violation of human rights in Guantánamo Bay?
Does anyone see a pattern here? It begins with the letters O-I-L.
i want to move to canada to escape stupidity here.
also, greedy people
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