Thursday, November 24, 2005


Manicure and Martini night with the girls! Good times...I wish I got gold though.

After yoga and Tango's I realized it was 1030pm and I had done nothing all day except go late to class, read a novel during the class interrupted by periodic naps during the class I was late for, celebrated aceing an assignment and presentation in the same class, went to the library to waste time, went to JDUC to eat and read the newspaper with JGW, went home to sleep for 3 hours, and then yoga.

I'm wasting my life away here, people!

So to prolong procrastination I looked up riddles online and visual riddles too. Those are fun. Riddles also remind me of a former housemate named Lisa Uy. Like when she fought with fellow nerds J.Lo and JGW for the riddle book at Asian Christmas Kringle.


Anyway, I think my goal for tonight is just to make a plan to do work. WOO-HOO! DONE! You heard it here...BUCKLING DOWN!!!


At 9:31 AM, Blogger Felise Navidad said...

HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHA IIII remember that. wow, we ARE nerds! lol. (in nerd voice) hey fellow nerds, we should have a riddle convention where we exchange challenging riddles and collaborate to solve them *pushes up glasses*

At 10:01 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

so wait, who ended up with the riddle book in the end? i cant remember...

At 10:23 AM, Blogger miss.chip said...

hahaha, oh jess, i still remember the one about the 3 candy machines and incorrect labels. next time u talk to me, ask me about the bowling balls and balance. ehhehehe

At 1:26 PM, Blogger jessica said... I don't remember...I think either Janice or J.Lo?? I want to say Janice..but I'm not sure. Hahahaa...figures - you biomedical computing and math nerds.

I forgot the answer to the candy machine!

At 11:08 PM, Blogger jessica said...

HAHAA..I want those cognitive ones we did in first year psych...

I miss those days.

(Not really).


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