A few things...

LeBron didn't play today but I love this pic!
START: NBA Playoffs blog
Raptors v. Nets today. Observations include Raptors lack of experience and poor shooting. Nets not only have three stars - VC, Jefferson, Kidd but also patience, which I think is a big key in not throwing up bricks every other possession. Also, Raps turned the ball over like crazy. I'm changing my prediction to Nets in 5. ya heard it here first!
Bulls v. Miami. I have Miami going to the freakin' finals, so PULL IT TOGETHER!! Deng, Gordon and Hinrich are insano though. Humdinger Chicago.
Talked to Amy today and discussed how important it is to have certain experiences in your life even if it will put you in a debt. E.g. accepting an awesomo job, going away for school, etc. I've paid off all my loans a few months ago from university and although it is a burden when you're just starting to make money to have to save and pay off loans...I wouldn't trade the experience of going away for university for anything!! You're young...you gotta do what you want and can when you want. Or you're going to grow up very very bitter.
Next...it is FRIGGING AWESOME OUTSIDE!!! Wonderful weather makes me very happy :). Gonna go the range tonight. Maybe grab some ice cream on Main Street. I love Unionville!
Jess: "Wanna go to the range tonight?"
VChau: "Do you need your own clubs or can you rent them there?"
I had to document that one. Hahahahahahaa.
Easy tonight, anyone?

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