It's already 10pm and I've done nothing since I've been back except for unpack and watch the 2OT MSU/UK game. Weekend was great! Some partying (Afterlife Reunion was fun), Choo Choo train hits the spot, pool, shopping, "Alfie", and sleeping at 8pm Friday night for 14 hours. All I gotta say is...I love you, UNC. Please marry me.I'm going to apply for Final Four tickets and I'll see you in 2006.

Afterlife was...well I'm not sure. We stayed at the bar next to the entrance the entire night. I didn't even have time between vodka and Soho to look downstairs.
I missed my Princess this weekend! Shopping this week and I can't wait to party with you on Friday!
Looks like it's going to be an all-nighter week. Probably should get started on that now...
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