
1. What a great couple days in good ol' K-town! Nothing has changed, just the way I like it. Great to see everyone again, and to get that pesky portfolio out of the way! Gusto's was great to catch up one last time and falling asleep for the second time in a movie I forgot I watched the first time. Haha...good to laugh with the girls again and to have G-Ugly sit in as well. I hope he goes to Queen's next year! Pizza Hut buffet lunch was memorable and Aprile made a surprise visit! Drove back with G-Ugly, Jodie, and Aprile and played the alphabet game with celebs and cartoons...man I suck at cartoons. Maybe I just skipped from being a baby to an adult or something...I don't know anything! Lisa, where are you when I need you? Then when we dropped Jodie and Aprile off G and I played it with NBA players. I was a champ because G couldn't remember Vince Carter for "V". What an idiot. I think I win twice just for that. Aprile's friggin' good at cartoons and poor Jodie..."You know, that girl..." or "L...Lisa...uh..."...hahaha! Mr. T! HAHHAHAHA! I must say, I think Aprile and I win that round.
2. Saw VChau on Friday night. Ate at Napoli and tried to go see "Lucky Number Slevin" at Silvercity afterwards but it didn't work out. So good to have our routine catch ups and rent-a-movie nights! I'm so happy she's so excited about school and work. I'm verrrry proud of you. Please don't make a career out of liquid nitrogening *AHEM* warts though ok??? HEE HEE. Words of advice: RIP THE BAND-AID OFF! Do it...okay??
3. Saw J.Lo tonight! She's made an evite for her birthday party (that I'm missing) while I watched Law & Order and then we went to Go For Tea. Good times reminiscing with old pictures and stories. Japan for you...I'm so excited - I can totally see you as a Harijuku girl.
4. I don't even like ferrets...
5. Tomorrow is family dinner night. Hi Lindsay. Pot roast! How I love my meat. :)
6. I'm off to Europe...I'll see you all when I get back. XOXO.
- Biggie
Where'd you go?
I miss you so
Seems like it's been forever that you've been gone
Please come back home
hey! don't deny yourself of your feelings...
EVERYONE wants a furry pet.. yes a ferret!
frigg.. gonna miss you lots m'dear! download Jason Mraz- I'm Yours and Geek in the Pink
Goo Goo dolls - Iris for your trip.
be safe. don't trust anyone. not even slick suave European boys.. unless they look like French Shawn Desman (do u remember??)
hahaha MISTER ROGERS??!!!
hahahahaa aaww maaaaaaaaaaaaaan
hahaha yer brother is hilarious... "uhhhhh, yin tang TWIN" 2nd round "the other ying yang TWIN" hahaha. That was so much fun. I can't believe your leaving tomorrow. well my dear have a safe and fun trip. Take lots and lots of pictures. Keep me posted, I wanna read and see all about YOUR ENDLESS EUROPE trip. my gaaaad.. i won't be seeing you til June-ish?! we'll definitely hook up then, yes?
have an amazing time. keep in touch.
i love it how, aprile's name is explicitly mentioned, SEVERAL times, in your blog about what you did over the weekend..
oh yea.. where's mine??
hahhahahha you've boiled me down to an all-time low in my life. thansk big jess.
have fun in europe
.. remember.. FRENCH LESBIANS and PICTURES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
homeboy from goodes hall.
Have you seen Boris Diaw? the guy is a freak! he had 12 assists last night and he's averaging like 8 a game! and he plays center! I never heard of him until this year, but steve nash better watch out or he's going to be out of a job. And then there won't be any canadians left =P
I haven't seen you in weeks and the next time we meet will be in some foreign country... crazzyyy! YAY PARIS!!
See you soon!
Hi Jess!
See you in almost 12 hours...wow time flies! Can't wait for Scandinavia...we are really going to the mowst random places!
safe trip
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