Thursday, March 30, 2006

This made me laugh

"Top 10 Reasons to stay up late with an Occupational Therapist"

10. OT's do it creatively.
9. OT's do it in groups.
8. OT's always do it with a purpose.
7. OT's grade the activity for optimal performance.
6. OT's do it actively and passively.
5. OT's do it for mental and physical health.
4. OT's use proper positioning.
3. OT's are adaptable.
2. OT's use a full range of motion.
1. OT's use adaptive equipment and devices.

HHAHAAHAHAHAA...I think I'm the only person who reads this blog that will find this funny...some people in the Masters class are making this a t-shirt for their fundraising campaign to go on placement in Belize and Cameroon.

Made my day. Pretty sad that stuff like this makes my day. Aprile Cusi, you know what I mean. Friends? What friends??


At 3:55 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

nowadays... YOU are my only friend.

and it's all good... we hate so we can relate. haha.. that could be our new motto.

let's have sushi next time. On me :)


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