WHAT A GAME!! Best Raptor game I have ever seen by far. The energy and frenzy in there is indescribable!!!! I saw Bryan Colangelo before the game and he signed my flag. I took a picture of him taking a picture with some other dude.

I wore a shirt that says Uno Dos Tres that Derrick got us! See http://www.fanboygear.com.
It was awesome...Toronto fans are the best! Went to some Irish pub for beers after and to watch Miami/Bulls and LA/PHX. Miami is now down 2-0. Humding.
Anyway...I am way too excited to think coherently to blog right now. Downtown this weekend for Benbow workshop and fun times.
I was on the subway home and I heard some girl say to her friend:
"I keep going on subways with this woman train driver who keeps repeating herself: 'Next station: Summerhill' and then redundantly says 'Approaching Summerhill station' EVERY TIME. And I keep going on subways with her as the train driver."
...YOU DUMBASS. IT'S A RECORDING. That's why she probs sounds the exact same all the time with no inflections in her speech. It's not only a recording, it's a computer generated voice.
Sometimes the conductors don't announce anything or sometimes they say it themselves (you will notice the difference).
I wanted to laugh at her. What a bum. She was talking SO loud too. Do people like this actually exist?
Ok...more on Raps and bball later. SLEEP.
EDIT: Mel told me one of her Grade 6 kids tried adding her on Facebook. I almost died laughing. Also in the news today - someone thought I was 28 years old. HDx29374837584.
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