Peek a Pooh distress

At Elge in March I bought a Peek a Pooh but for those of you who don't know it is vending machine styles so I got the Taurus bull one. Unfortunately I am Cancer and I wanted the cancer one. Odds were not in my favor. So I tried again and I got Capricorn...Puneet's so I gave it to her. And I tried again and I got Scorpio. Then I quit. Scorpio is ugliness (1st row, 4th from the left). Before this, Puneet and I went to Metrotown to watch 300 I think and we saw another vending machine thing. I thought for a long time and tried to see if Cancer was at the bottom ready to come out. After a lot of debate, I decided to pass and save my 2$ and bought myself a Jugo Juice. So back in Toronto, G and I rollerbladed to Markville and I saw yet another Peek a Pooh thing and after a lot of deliberation I didn't try to get the zodiac one, instead I got the special anniversary edition (see below picture). I got the ugliest one - Tigger in a Piglet suit. SO SAD. Anyway, I give up. If anyone ever gets a Cancer one can I please have it? Hahaha...maybe I should bring a roll of toonies, buy them all and stand next to the vending machine and sell them for 3$ each. I would have totally bought the Cancer one for 3$ if someone was standing there and selling it.

There are more than 200 different styles. In different area, they are some different styles. Such as Japan have uniform costumes. And in Italy there is a Angel costume.
Want to collect them all. Try MyPhoneStrap or ADreamStore.
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