10:15am the morning after. How many hours must you sleep before you can classify it as "after"? I think I'll just call it the morning. And to all of you with me last night...I didn't make my meeting, you jerks...and my partner called me this morning. No one is ever going to want to be my partner again. Hhaha. I totally need the MSN face with the dude about to get sick. (Don't worry, I'm not getting sick, but it just most clearly represents the feeling at the moment). I guess $1.50 drinks will do that to you.

Probably shouldn't have gone out last night. Paying for it huge academically and physically this morning. How am I going to watch the tripleheader today (most importantly - Duke/UNC at 4pm) and go to work from 5-11pm and know anything for my presentation tomorrow??
Well, you know how there's always room for dessert? There's always time for NCAA in my life.
Some highlights:
"I'm so excited for your LOVE!!"
*heart shaped hands and body*
"Um...so you wanna drink?"
...and that's all I remember
You didn't make it to your meeting? eek! I fell asleep at Denny's for 20 min, fell asleep in the car on the way home, and woke up late today.
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