Lobster, anyone?
RIGHT OVER HERE...Spanish banks with Princess on Sunday = Lobsterfied.
I am currently avoiding the sun like the plague. No suntan lotion because we're idiots, hence my lovely red burn.
My face might as well be patented as a heater.
So today I dropped by Pharmasave (similar to Shoppers Drug Mart) and bought 3 bottles of lotion - suntan lotion, tanning oil, and aloe vera after sun lotion. Help me. The woman at the cash told me that it's only supposed to be one coupon per customer (because regular people probably only buy one bottle and use one coupon), but after seeing my condition, she conceded and let me use all 3.
This is how sad I am.
I am afraid to take a picture of myself. Blogspot might shut me down for graphic photography consisting of medically sensitive images. Just picture a red circle with two beady black eyes and pink lips.
Tomorrow = work death; 730-330, 5-9, 930-12. Help.

Highlight of my day: equipment demo in OT department = free lunch (I ate two portions, therefore I ate for my dinner then as well) and free mini soft measuring tape that when you press a button slurps back!! I am slowly being reformed into OT nerding. Tonight, Starburst for dinner!
Mmmm lobster
hahahah!! that's funny what happened at pharmasave :)
i was gonna put a picture here, but it won't let me. so check out my blog, jess
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