...don't even bother. I'm not home. Physically and cognitively.It's been SO busy here it's absolutely insane.
I haven't even had time to breathe!
I'll update you all once I get a chance. It's already 12:10am. I need to sleep soon. I'm just waiting for my hair to dry and checking fantasy stats. And talking to Mark about how he is studying neuroanatomy for fun. Well for his PT National Exam which is 3 months. And he just finished school exams. HD.
BR is crazy, life is crazy, family is crazy!
Heading to the big O DOT in a few days. Looking forward to real vacation...
Triplet reunion tonight...good times and good friends as always :)
That's about it.
Oh, I saw King Kong. GOOD STUFF.
My feet hurt.

Lebron makes me happy.
can you please rest yourself?
is it january yet? haha
can i come back now?
miss u jessmesssss! have fun in OHIO! xoxoxoxxooxoxo
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