I'm peeling like a banana, no pun intended

What a bad day yesterday.
First, got woken up at 9am by my supervisor because I didn't show up for work at 730am like I usually do. She was quite worried. I told her I got food poisoning and and didn't sleep last night and accidently slept through my alarm. I told her I didn't call to leave a message because I thought I would still be able to make it in in the morning. PHEW.
Even worse news number 2.
It was midterm evaluation day.
Bad news number 3.
A layer of my epidermis is peeling off my face.
This weekend: Bard on the Beach? Grouse, Capilano, and dare I say, beach?
Plans in motion...Victoria and sailing next weekend, HSBC Celebration of Lights July 27, 30/August 3, 6, Whistler August 19th, Seattle August 20th-?, home August 25th!
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