Happy New Year!
Hello dears,As I sit here in Ohio on New Year's (Eve), after going all in and losing on a hand of pocket aces partially due to the fact that Ga-Yee ALSO had pocket aces (and Lorraine had trip queens), I have concluded that I am lucky, rather than unlucky on this superstitious night.
I have also concluded that I am a poker junkie.
This is what happens when you're in this great land of America for a week. It feels like a month. Don't hit me if I come back with a drawl and I know how to bet on college football like no other. Also, expect a fatter and well-rested me. I am thankful for free recycling tonight (and our green boxes are absolute genius). Did you know you have to pay to get your recycling picked up here??? If you don't want to pay and still want to recycle, you have to go to the DUMP and crush all the cans by jumping on them and throw them into the smelly dumpster. If their country isn't taken over soon by people smarter than George Bush, they will self-destruct or the entire population will emigrate due to stench.
2006. I am sure the lot of you will choose to make resolutions on your blogs. I have no firm ones yet. What can I say...
This year was awesome. Second semester was a blur, Cobourg wasn't as bad as I had predicted and Ana made it all worthwhile (my little munchkin), Vancouver was breathtaking, school this semester was yet another blur but memorable to say the least. Amy came back from Asia, Sully-Snuffy week sleepover, library Missions with a capital M, lots of Common Ground, Montreal, minimal party, yet maximal fun and laughs. Holidays were a good catch up with the family and my tummy.
So no long spiel tonight - just a thanks with hugs.
Happy 2006 BigJ!!!
ps. GET AT ME!!
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