Best sports weekend ever...+ Supermarket

Lounged all day and watched Canada/Finland and Sweden/USA and Indiana/Illinois and UNC/Wake and then All-Star Game, Desperate Housewives and Grey's Anatomy!!! I am a TV junkie.
Yesterday...dunk competition...Iggy and Nate's dunks were siiick.
Anyway...also yesterday J.Lo, Chris, JGW, J.Lo's friend Shelly, and I went to Supermarket. Waited for ages to get inside and all of our toes were frozen but it was a fun night!!
Before Supermarket JGW had to pee real bad so we went inside this sushi restaurant. I waited for her at the front of the restaurant which was closed by that time and 3 seconds later some brown dude came in and asked me if he could use my washroom.
Humdinger. Just 'cause I'm asian in an asian restaurant...I work there? Hahaha...and I was even wearing my wool jacket, scarf and carrying a purse.
It happened before at Phnom Penh in Kingston too.
White dude: Hi I ordered the number 1 and number 6 for pick up?
Me: Um...I don't work here, but they do.
Again, I was there for my own pick up and was in my winter jacket and carrying my gym bag.
People are funny.
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