Click to enlarge, trust me, you will need it to understand my post.
Initial plan: Had afternoon off - try "entire" seawall, because apparently I didn't do the "whole thing" last time and then beach and read.
Actual happenings:
1. Started at Georgia and Denman
2. Went around Stanley Park on the seawall all the way to English Bay (here you can go under the underpass to Georgia and Denman again (which is what I did last time) or you can keep going to English Bay.
3. Kept going...and Marina St. or Beach Ave. or something...and kept going...past the bus station...past the Burrard bridge, the Granville bridge, the Cambie bridge until I apparently went on the land part of Downtown where you don't need to go on a bridge to go across the water.
4. Passed Science World, a lot of sketch construction sites and lots of big empty parking lots, went on 6th Ave, in through some residential townhouses, back on the waterfront of the other side of Vancouver (not Downtown).
5. Kept going...past Cambie bridge, past Granville bridge, passed Burrard bridge.
6. Got to Kits, and couldn't find anymore paved path so the guy who was in front of me told me to turn around and go back.
7. Went back to Granville Island, walked up Granville to 5th Ave. and took the 98 B-Line to 41st and Granville (aka LG bubbletea).
8. Saw Kev Tse and Kelvin there and they asked me if I rollerbladed there from home (Main and 35).
9. I wish.
My feet really hurt. It was also the best shower I've ever taken.
Did I do the seawall now, or what?
Can someone please tell me? Because I've gone across Vancouver on both the Downtown side and the non-Downtown side and I'm not sure where I have to keep going.
I assumed it was a circle you could go around and reach the same point at. But I suppose not.
It was so confusing with all the detours due to construction and stuff.
I got lost around the 6th Ave. area and contemplated hopping on a bus to somewhere.
Perhaps next time I'll try to reach UBC.
So needless to say, I didn't make it to the beach. Original plan of 7km Stanley Park seawall and then English Bay vegging was kaput.
Note: reason why I don't have many pictures is because I was going to do the "seawall" twice and take pictures on the 2nd these are only pictures of the end of my adventure.

From the not Downtown side, between Cambie and Granville bridges, I believe

Granville bridge, maybe

Part of this so-called "seawall path" quotations because I highly doubt I was on the right path. Who's bright idea would it have been to make this PK-friendly broken path a ROLLERBLADING path?

By now...who knows...

Burrard bridge

OMG, I'm so tired
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