AWWW...LISA! I miss this girl to bits. This is hilarious. Just looking at our expressions makes me laugh. I miss studying at the kitchen table with you when we're really screwed for exams (e.g. always). I miss coming home, going to the gym, going out, going to the library, coming home, working, sleeping, waking up, and having you still in the same spot and in the same clothes and with pen on your face from sleeping on your textbooks. I miss when you pretended like you weren't sleeping when I found you. I miss how you used to highlight the "interesting facts" boxes in our biology textbook that said stuff like "there are 5000 penguins in the south pole". I miss trying to fix the lightbulb in the kitchen and the microwave that literally blew up. I miss our friggin' comfy couch that could be a bed. I miss the TV and the remote control we were too lazy to change the battery for so we just walked to the TV every time to change the channel or we watched the same channel all day. Oh wait, I think that last one was just me.
So I'm tired and overworked and I've watched WAY too much 24 in the past few days (I'm still working on season 4). I seem to have tons of errands to run and things to do all the time...how are my lovelies in Kingston doing? I don't have any news to update on really...just busy and I can tell you what I am doing everyday from now until the middle of February. Is that sad? Well I guess I could do the same if I were in Kingston, however, it would probably be filled with more fun stuff and less stuff that starts with the letters w-o-r-k. Anyhoo, I'm hanging in there - getting used to the lifestyle of the real world I guess.
In school, you wish there were more hours in a day at the end of the semester because you partied the first 3 months and now you're screwed. In life, you wish there were more hours in a day so you could actually have a life.
Greece cruise? :)
i thought I was the only one that said "indeedy"
peace girrl
AW MEMORIIIESS. i miss yelling at each other for not doing work, and waking u up "after 20 minutes" (yeah right), and talking about everything in the world besides anything related to what we were studying at the kitchen table, and i miss your 4 cheese pasta!!! :(
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