Murphy's Law

What a bad day. Can anything else go wrong? I guess this teaches me that you can't plan every second of your life.
Thinking about Scarley made me think of Sully. I miss Sully for her laughter. I miss her voice that apparently sounds the same as mine? I miss Hump Night and Bubba's...we both know which one I miss more...Hump Night was more of an excuse to go to Bubba's after. I miss Heel Boy and GB Original and even idiotic Elliot. I miss Tuesday's Shoeless wings and friggin' melting when eating suicide. I miss first floor Stauffy and GB sightings. I miss our stalkeresque qualities (we are the only people who won't think we're crazy). I miss Grey's and DH at your place. I miss running to Madeline's between the shows and getting ice cream in -10 degree weather. I miss Vancouver with you and lying on the beach and getting burnt like no other. I miss Bin 942 and kayaking. I even miss doing 80% of the Grind myself. I miss hilarious drunken times. I miss hearing about all your boys. I still remember our first date at Tango's! I remember seeing you fall at the QSEAC smoker at Alfie's. I remember OH MAGOG (and to this day, I still laugh when I say it). I remember red wine and white wine...and rose lot of drunken times. I miss shopping at Yorkdale and spending all our money. So there you go...cheers to Sully and Snuffy!
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