In desperate need of a new post...
[12:38:26 AM] Jess: did u vote?
[12:38:46 AM] Kevin: yes i did
[12:38:51 AM] Kevin: green party all the way
[12:38:59 AM] Jess: i voted green too
[12:39:03 AM] Kevin: haha shut up
[12:39:03 AM] Jess: wow
[12:39:07 AM] Jess: oh
[12:39:09 AM] Jess: you were joking?
[12:39:11 AM] Kevin: yeah
[12:39:14 AM] Kevin: you're not??
[12:39:21 AM] Jess: no...

What's been going on...slowly starting to make a to-do list of everything. I need a tape recorder with me at all times so that when I think of something in mid-bite, I can record it. Seeing an elementary school friend next week! And also learning to play squash next week...right Brandon, aka "marathon partner"?? J.Lo joined the gym today I think, so hopefully I'll have an ally there now. Winterlicious this weekend with Jay and then next week with Eunice and then Adam! Oh, the gluttony.
Not much is new. Getting more and more used to the workload and my schedule. I think I'm getting sick. Otherwise...plans for Kingston on February 3!! Can't wait to see you guys! If I run into any funny stories, I'll let you know. Until then, expect the dullness of my blog.
I am sad that Canada has become Concervative. If the kind of cuts that happened in Alberta and BC happen because of the new federal govt. .....then people will suffer as these other provinces that have espoused these same kind of values have seen happen.
hahah. i should have voted green
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