So much happening all at once! Hard to wrap my mind around it all. Leaving in T minus 15 days for Bangkok + Southeast Asia. :)
Perhaps I will have time for a big blog before I leave but for now...
Insert all my thoughts here
Most NBA Titles, Active Players
Robert Horry, 6
Shaquille O'Neal 4
Kobe Bryant 3
Derek Fisher 3
Tim Duncan 3
Devean George 3
Horry's titles: Rockets (1994, 1995), Lakers (2000, 2001, 2002) and Spurs (2005)
What a joke.
123help the Cavs tonight.

(More later...)
All my teams lost this weekend. GSW, PHX, and CLE. Sigh. Also, I wrote no reports, didn't go out, and hardly played any sports (golf range on Fri, tennis and a bit of frisbee today)...
I am a sloth. weekend is gonna be busy and I totally should have written my reports today. :(
Montreal weekend with the girls and Mel's WEDDING!! Can't wait! I know she's gonna look beautiful.
Countdown to the end of school: 6 weeks. 3 of them are 4 day weeks!!!!
GM and I have also decided to go to Vietnam (Hanoi and Ha Long Bay) for 5 days during our trip. Excitations...I hear its beautiful.
What else? It's been superbusy with G back and all the girls. Had a great night out with everyone for J.Lo and Amy's bdays last weekend.
I need more hours in a day! Enough to procrastinate and then some bonus hours to actually do something.
2nd best pick up line ever..."Gimme a try...I'm like cocaine...addictive."
Does crap like that EVER WORK?
Try again, buddy.
Ask me for the 1st best pick up line ever - too explicit for poor blogger.
I'm starting a non-profit self-help group called: "I only attract creepos."
Contact me to join. First web-based meeting TBD.
This photo seemed appropriate.
Peek a Pooh distress

At Elge in March I bought a Peek a Pooh but for those of you who don't know it is vending machine styles so I got the Taurus bull one. Unfortunately I am Cancer and I wanted the cancer one. Odds were not in my favor. So I tried again and I got Capricorn...Puneet's so I gave it to her. And I tried again and I got Scorpio. Then I quit. Scorpio is ugliness (1st row, 4th from the left). Before this, Puneet and I went to Metrotown to watch 300 I think and we saw another vending machine thing. I thought for a long time and tried to see if Cancer was at the bottom ready to come out. After a lot of debate, I decided to pass and save my 2$ and bought myself a Jugo Juice. So back in Toronto, G and I rollerbladed to Markville and I saw yet another Peek a Pooh thing and after a lot of deliberation I didn't try to get the zodiac one, instead I got the special anniversary edition (see below picture). I got the ugliest one - Tigger in a Piglet suit. SO SAD. Anyway, I give up. If anyone ever gets a Cancer one can I please have it? Hahaha...maybe I should bring a roll of toonies, buy them all and stand next to the vending machine and sell them for 3$ each. I would have totally bought the Cancer one for 3$ if someone was standing there and selling it.