In Nice!
Using weird keyboard...
If you didnt get my email let me know
Saw Zhang Ziyi at Cannes Film Fest
This so far has taken a few minutes already to type
So I have to go
Miss you all
London pictures!

London from the view atop St. Paul's
Today I went to Hillsong, which is technically a church but it is held in a theatre in London and it is massive. It is 2 hours long and it is basically a rock concert. People are jumping up and down, holding hands, arms in the air, and clapping a lot. It's pretty...interesting. I fell asleep during the "homily" which was some guy talking about Peter and Paul I think. Or I may be getting that confused with the paintings at the National Gallery. Anyway, it was an experience. Afterwards they have these mints and coffee for you or something. It was like intermission.
Scarley and I went to Movida last night...omg...more randomness and drinks. We also went to Portabello Road Market - it was SO cool. All these fresh veggies and fruits and handmade clothing and jewelry! Too bad it was a downpour and sections of the tube were closed...what a mission too get home.
I am leaving soon for Paris - can't wait to see Janice, Jeanny, and Lindsay!! :)
I am returning to the museums tomorrow and going out for drinks probably on Tuesday with Scarley, her friends, maybe Jon and Vince, and Kev is arriving in London that morning so mayhaps he will join...
And on the job front: I accepted an offer from COTA Health and will be starting there when I return to Toronto. I am continuing to interview at other places still - I will keep you posted.

The view from the top of St. Paul's Cathedral. It was spectacular even though I had to climb 500+ stairs to the top. It was like Grouse Grind, indoor version.

Hanging out in Green Park. The weather has been so erratic and hot and cold during the day. I had expected to stay there with my book all day and read but it got pretty cold when the sun wasn't out. There are tons of the green chairs in the parks and you can sit in them for 1.50 GBP per hour.

Tower Bridge, not London Bridge :)

The Tower of London...where they used to hold prisoners and traitors. Pretty cool and I went on the tour by a guy called a Beefeater. It was a lovely day!

Russell Square

British Museum...that's Venus!! I love this place.

An exhibit at the Tate Modern - it was supposed to feel like loneliness walking through the corridors. I dunno. I don't get modern art really...but I guess it's a pretty cool picture...

Eros at Piccadilly Circus

Joanna, Afsaneh and me at some bar that I can't remember the name of but it was 300 years old and in a cave with a wine cellar!
That's all for now...more later!
London pt. III

The view from Torni, the highest building in Helsinki
(Sorry all my cities and countries are all getting mixed up on my blog...London pictures next time!)
I'm all museumed out.
I went to Natural History Museum, Science Museum, and the Victoria and Albert Museum today. I'm SO feet hurt!
They are starting to all mush into one big painting/sculpture.
My favourite at the NHM were the dinos! At the Science Museum I dunno because I didn't go see much. I was wavering on the brink of really exhausted by then and I hadn't eaten. At the V&A it was definitely the European sculptures, in particular the gigantico one of David by Michaelangelo. Anyhoo, tomorrow I am going to the British Museum. Scarley is trying to book me a Parliament tour too! On Saturday we're going to a should be fun. EXCITED! :)
Ok...I promised pictures.

This is a McDonald's in Stockholm! Isn't it the nicest McD's you've ever seen? The people looked at me weird when I took the picture...but whatever. They've probably never been to a North American McDonald's joint.

Scarley and I on the first night in Helsinki - at the film themed restaurant, pre-Ahjo...

The huge Lutheran church in can see it clearly even from the tallest point in the city (Torni, sort of like a Scandanavia version of the CN Tower)

At a bar in Helsinki with Kathrin from Germany, Stephen (our host), Scarley, and Celine, the weird girl from France

Scarlett and I on our first and quite lonely night in Stockholm - no one even said hi to us the entire time we were in Sweden. :-S
London pt. II
I'm exhausted! There is so much to do in London - I have spent two full days (1030am-6pm) at the National Gallery and I'm still not finished looking at everything. I will take a break and go to the British Museum and Victoria and Albert Museum and go back again to finish. Things have been busy yet relaxing here if that makes sense. Went out with Joanna and Afsaneh for drinks last night and today we all went out for dinner because it was their last night here! They are going to Belgium tomorrow. On Friday Scarlett will be finished her essays and then we can have some real fun. I hope I can see all my planned activities before I leave. It seemed like such a long time (2 weeks) that I was going to be here but it has flown by quite quickly! On Sunday, Jon took me to Buckingham Palace, the Parliament buildings, and to the Tate Modern. It was all very exciting and I have tons of pics, once again. I hope I will be unlazy to load my pictures soon. :)
This Sunday I will also try to make it to Hillsong, which is some church concerty thing. Sort of like Praise and Power at Bethel but on a much larger scale. It is a non-denominational church, so we'll see. It should be interesting anyway and I'll try to keep an open mind...haha...
On Saturday, me, Scarley, Joanna, Afsaneh, Vince, Jon and a bunch of Scarley's friends went to Bar Chocolate which was a pretty cool bar. We missed our stop on the nightbus home and ended up having to take a taxi. It was kind of horrible. We were in the middle of nowhere. Again - no luck with the transportation. Apparently, Scarley has done this twice before (sleeping on the nightbus and missing her stop)...
Oh, and the bar we went to last night was over 300 years old! It was in a cave! It was cool and I have pictures too. We met these random Brit guys too...??
And yes, I need a break from the National Gallery - the security ppl are starting to recognize me. Humdinger.
Anyway, sorry it's not chronologically ordered or anything. More next time!