Weekends:OT girls! Awesome time...and always great to see them! I think it was Distrikt for Billie's birthday. Also congrats to Mel and Sean who bought their first house! Everyone's either working or finishing their Masters now, so good news all around. Looking forward to Mel's wedding.

Thanksgiving and Pat and Joanna's birthdays. G-Unit came back and we ate so much we couldn't fit the sushi in. Ate pizza and watched The Departed for P & J's bdays! Such a great movie! Everyone has to see it. I never liked Leo before but now we are in love. Saw almost everyone this weekend - Sully, G-Ugly, Little Jess and J.Cho...people I don't always get to see. Great weekend!

Girls Night Out with Scarley, Wonger, Lil, J.Cho, Syl, Jenny, and Rachel! What an awesome night! $2.50 drinks @ Easy before midnight. DANGER! Firefighters were odd though. The police man told me to SHUSH when I said really loudly "YOU'RE A POLICE OFFICER??" I hate po-po's. Anyhoo...great night and awesome company! So many pics it is hard to choose which ones to post. Please see all the pics on my Facebook. So sad to see Scarley go back to the UK. Come back soon!

Wonger and I at the Mirvish Production of "Wicked"...which was ABSOLUTELY AMAZING. I loved it! Everyone must go see it (if there are tickets left) at the Canon Theatre (I think the extended it until December). GOGOGO! This is the one picture we illegally took after the guy kept yelling no photography whatsoever in the theatre. Oh well.

Tangerine for Jon's volleyball team last weekend...good times! Glad Jeanny could come out since usually she is SO busy! Venue was ok...I really liked my schwarma after. This was unfortunately our only picture and I didn't get a chance to take a pic with Jon and Derrick (I think)...

Hammy Hammerilton to visit Vicky and go to her class party...and to my surprise...seeing SPAMMA - my fave grade 12 English buddy! What a great time...had fun at the club even though it was friggin' hot...met some of their friends! But I dunno if I could have gone to Mac for school...you gotta drive to your friends houses. I'm used to rolling out of bed and being 4 minutes from everything. I ate two schwarmas and someone made me throw the little bit I had left out the car window. You're lucky I don't remember who it was.

Symposium: Learned a lot about autism and had a great time. Eunice was also there so we had lunch every day and chilled...and fell asleep during presentations...YAY! Definitely peaked my interest in autism.
Project Sunshine @ Canoe: To raise awareness to Project Sunshine in Canada! Eunice is starting a chapter at Bloorview Kids Rehab, we are volunteering with kids with disabilities I think between 630-830pm. Anyone interested? Let me know! Check out the website. It's a great organization...
Oh ya. Canoe. I ate caribou :( by accident but we had such great munchies like spring rolls and some goat cheese thing and it was a gorgeous view 'cause we had some private room there. Too bad about the caribou though. Great turnout and the raffle was amazing. I think we raised a lot of money! There was a $2500 round of golf for 4 at Magna and some awesome $2000 scooter (although someone there told me it was made in China)...the guy who won the golf game donated it back 'cause he already had a membership and some dude bid on it for $1700! CRAZY! Cash money millionaires. Too bad about the caribou.
Vacation plans: Booked my trip to Vancouver March 9-19. EXCITED! P-UNIT!!! Gyoza King, Stanley Park, Bin 942, Elge and Dragon Ball...I AM SO EXCITED! Um...Christmas is still undecided but I hope we go somewhere...if we go to Ohio I am driving to Cleveland to watch 'bronny. Who's with me?
Kev Tsang's pool, 13 GMs, 9 positions, 1th pick: Jameer Nelson, Josh Smith, Lebron James, Al Harrington, Ben Wallace, Drew Gooden, Sebastian Telfair, Zaza Pachulia, Randy Foye
Jon Lam's pool, 15 GMs, 13 positions, 5th pick: Dwayne Wade, Vince Carter, Brandon Roy, Danny Granger, Udonis Haslem, Chris Webber, Boris Diaw, Channing Frye, Josh Childress, Delonte West, Jamaal Tinsley, Ryan Gomes, Quentin Richardson
Enrico Bongo's pool, 14 GMs, 10 positions, 5th pick: Jason Kidd, Brandon Roy, Corey Maggette, Dirk Nowitzki, Boris Diaw, Chris Webber, PJ Brown, Josh Childress, Eddie Jones, Sebastian Telfair
Hopefully everyone stays healthy and out of jail this year! I'm excited. I want to win Enrico's 'cause that one is for money...but pride in this game is worth just as much so I want to win them all of course. Kev Tsang's will be huge for bragging rights. I hate you all. Bring it. I have 3 dinners riding on these pools on the side (Jon, Kev Tse and Steve...you all better be saving up your money!)
As well, I am going to the November 22 Cavs game and the December 15 Nets game. YAY! Janice Wong wants to get into basketball this year so she is coming over on November 1 to watch the first game of the year for the Raptors (I expect big things from Colangelo this year!) and she is baking a cake. Anyone who wants to come - you're more than welcome! YAY!!!!
Congressional election: I hate the Republicans. This is becoming a really embarrassing mudslinging competition and all Americans should be embarrassed by their country's representatives. This is absolutely horrible. Worst role models for the children who are supposed to be the future. "Mommy...what is Playboy and why is Mr. Ford playing with them?"...racism, sexism and personal attacks are running rampant. When did Western society become so pathetic and morally dumbfounded? When did elections become a "who can beat down the opponent best" as opposed to "who can best serve our country?"...absolutely and downright embarrassing, pathetic, and appalling. You're all ridiculous and I think we should separate from North America and start our own continent.