We're all falling apart...
Especially our neighbours
Yet another statisticAnd yes, we're all falling apart:
An Inconvenient Truth

Gold seats at the Cavs vs. Raps game on Wednesday! WOOOO...see if you can find Lebron!!! :)
Tam Man

Does anyone else remember or know Tam Man? The guy in our year ('06) who ALWAYS wore a tam. Like always. Like not just during frosh weeks or homecoming or anything...like at the library, computer lab...classes...sometimes when it wasn't even cold? Did he ever get beat up? Does he know how ugly the actual tam is? Why would someone do something like that? Anyway, so I haven't thought about Tam Man in awhile. On Wednesday, on my way to the Lebron game at the ACC, who gets on at King Station...but...TAM MAN! Fully dressed in the tam and he still had his long hair. This wasn't the most puzzling thing...but he was dressed in a full out suit! I saw grown up tam man. Man o man. Anyway, this is getting embarrassing. It is one thing to wear your tam at Queen's where people knew what a Tam was and it was just students walking around. But it is another when you have a respectable job (one respectable enough to have to wear a suit to work) and still wear that pom pom hat around. I mean, don't get me wrong, I'm all for power to the people and all that mumbo jumbo...listen to whatever music and read whatever books you want...but this is sad and hilarious. Anyway, if any of you see Tam Man around (check out King Station...I assume he works there)...you'll understand what I mean. SO BAFFLING. TAM MAN. I almost friggin cracked up right then and there. Why was I alone? I was biting my lip SO hard. Sigh. Tam man. You are good.
What an awesome weekend in K-town with the girls (and boys)! Great to see everyone together again and talk until the wee wee hours of the morning (7am). Catching up, discussing deeper issues followed by watching mindless crude fun, and eating lots and lots of yummy food...
Asian SemiSuch fun with everyone! Way too many pics to post on the blog but check out Facebook. Met J.Cho's friends from Toronto, drank lots, Garlok ugly came out (for a little while anyway until he was kicked out at the semi by StuCon extraordinaire), Sta's drink spillage/broken heelage, other events...BUBBA's, Mafia, talking about boys and girls until 7am, Taboo...

Dinner and a movieGirls night out + Amir at dinner @ Windmills and then Borat. Discussion about affirmative action and racism. Amir and I agreed racism was inherent in every person whether or not you want to admit it or not. Read "Blink". You can't eliminate it. In other lighter news...Borat WAS SO GROSS...disturbing "funny" and sooo crude. I dunno. Wouldn't really recommend it unless you're gross and offensive. Sick. Anyway...dinner was yum. Earlier in the day we played Taboo, had lunch with Stabo and Garlok @ Stooley's. SCRUMPTIOUS.
Vic HallWent to chill with Garlok at midnight to watch movies downloading from DC++ and had a FIRE + FIRE ALARM at Vic. Totally rounded out my Kingston weekend. Hahaha...some froshies had a fist fight in the auditorium at Stirling Hall while we were waiting for the fire to be extinguished...what else is new? Fire alarm...might as well have a fight at 3am? Anyway, took forever and we were exhausted and fell asleep like 10 minutes into "Over the Hedge". We also watched the Boondock Saints again and in the "morning" aka 12:30pm, we ordered Phnom Penh and watched Al Gore's "An Inconvenient Truth" (I'll try to post separately about this later) with Stella. It was SOOO GOOD (movie and food). Everyone should see the movie. And eat the food. Anyway, left around 3pm today and I'm exhaust now and tomorrow is a long day great thanks bye!