So today I had my day all planned...I was going to see two new referrals - even Mapquested the directions and stuff. So I planned to go earlier to see those two and then see my regular 5 kids after lunch. I get to the first school and I see all these kids with their parents in the parking lot. And then I realized it was a PA Day and it was Parent-Teacher interview day for TDSB. So both of my new referrals were TDSB (the 5 that I see in the afternoon are TCDSB which would be why I scheduled them for today). I could have woken up 2.5 hours later or I could have stayed in my PJs for longer and watched Ellen or something and had lunch at home. Instead I am now blogging and thinking about who else I can call to bug. These stupid TCDSB computers are super security. I can't even download a PDF file from my email, go on Facebook, or check Yahoo! Sports. I'm surprised I could get onto my blog. Yoga tonight and Wasabi Sushi and Go For Tea! WONDERFUL :-D
Tomorrow's the big day!! GO BRUINS!!!!!

Golfing today with JCho and Lil fun! Maybe I got a itsy bit better since last year?? Or maybe just a fluke day...hahaha...good video taking times and Jess who is learning many new sports this year!
Had bbt at Go For Tea and JCho asked the dude if there was a VIP card cuz we go so often...and the guy was like "When you spend 300$ in 2 months, you can get a VIP card". WDH!! 300$ in TWO MONTHS??? That would mean I need to have a bbt EVERYDAY. Ridiculous. Anyway...that's all. Goal for May-June - tennis and golf! :)
How is it only Tuesday??? (Wednesday early morning)
"A new plan"
Hi everyone,
I don't even know if anyone reads this anymore. I took off my RSS feed to my Facebook because I forgot that people could read that. Also, I haven't posted in forever so I have probably unconditioned all of you from coming to my page. Haha. So lots of people have been asking me about Vancouver. It was really good - I had an awesome time seeing Puneet, hanging with Reena, talking about finding Sikh husbands for them, meeting Christina and Chris and watching Love Actually, teaching Arpin how to use the iPod, eating real Indian food, seeing Auntie Ji, playing the Dhol, seeing Farah and meeting Dave!, eating Gyoza King, eating Tropika, eating Martini's, eating food court, eating Shabusen, eating Bin 942, drinking enough bubbletea to last a regular person (but not me...Elge, I will be back) a lifetime, shopping Nars, shopping Robson, shopping Metrotown, sleeping 12 hours a day everyday, watching bball with Enrico, going to "Stages" Vancouver...the list goes on! Kinda glad to be back in my routine and Type A environment and planning life for the next 5 years.
Realizing that I need challenges...I have a newly configured 5 year plan. Ask me if you're interested but I don't really want to spread the word just yet. ;)
Booked our round trip tickets to Bangkok! Will be in Southeast Asia from June 30-August 20. I am sooo excited but there is so much to plan before then! Other than cousin Ga-Meng, Little Jess and Wonger are definitely coming and the word on the street is maybe J.Lo and Stephie?? Anyway...totally excited and will keep you posted on further plans. So far we are planning on going to: Thailand, Cambodia, Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia. My backpack is only 45L. Can someone who knows tell me if this is too small? I'm worried.
Work is OK. Same old. Want out...but that's in my 5 year plan :) Patience is wearing thin and I'm definitely looking forward to the end of the school year - June 26th.
Playing bball with Jon and crew in April when volleyball is over. Looking forward to it! Haven't played since last summer. Will let you know if I pass out from physical exhaustion.
In other news:
I tripped on something at the bottom of the stairs in the middle of the night and now I have a purple bruise about 6" long on my forearm. Go me.
I almost drove into 2 Canadian geese (those things are friggin' huge). Due to obesity, they were not able to elevate high enough and I had to slam on the brakes.
I've realized that everything really does/doesn't happen for a reason :)...patience is the key to success and every mistake is a lesson learned...hopefully.
I've stopped looking in other cities for a fresh start. I've realized Toronto is where I want and need to least for today :)
The Wii is friggin' awesome!! I'm coming back to play, Arpin! Prepare for golf demolishment!
Spring has sprung and it is finally warmish outside. Time for new wardrobe!
Vancouver 2007

Updation soon...I'm exhausted.
Productive and fun weekend!
Friday - Went to a school where I had an early morning appt and the teacher and the parent didn't show up due to previous night's snowstorm. Sigh. Four of my kids were away so I saw the other 4 kids in 2 hours and booted it to the gym to make it for 12:15pm spinning. Finished at the gym, went to get take out from Restoran Malaysia (fave Malaysian place), and watched the whole first season of Laguna Beach (I think I am 50 IQ points dumber after that). Went to bbt with VChau, Ash, J.Cho, Lil Jess! :)
Saturday - Woke up at 1pm, wrote 7 reports while watching 3 NCAA games (Ohio, Texas, AND UCLA...what an awesome tripleheader) and msn-ed. Went to Yorkdale at 7pm and shopped for bday gifts and such - bought all the gifts I needed and didn't buy a thing for me! Maybe I am turning over a new leaf. However, I was singing Fergie's "Glamorous" in the car and I missed my exit to Yorkdale and instead went on the Allen to my office and had to turn around once I realized it. Went home, had dins, watched Raps get rocked, watched Brothers & Sisters, did some MORE work and slept! Summary: I did a lot of work, watched a lot of basketball, and didn't buy anything for myself at Yorkdale! WHEE!
Sunday - Went to Mel's bridal shower - yummy food and Mel got some great gifts and she was very very happy. Ice cream cake, lox and cream cheese bagels, sushi, cocktails, and I won one of the prizes from the games! The game was unscramble the words - I would like to thank Toronto Star Jumble, Yahoo! Text Twist, and Cranium yellow cards! Hahaha...and then dropped off VChau's birthday present at her house and came home in time to make it for the PHX/LAL game and DUKE/UNC! What a lovely weekend with all my favourite things - friends, gifts, food, basketball, TV shows...!
Van in 5 days...:-D