I am an idiot
So of course stuff like this only happens to me:
I meet with Mel today to go over some stuff for our exam on July 8. She brings "Quick Reference to Occupational Therapy" (henceforth abbreviated to QRTOT), which I have heard is a good book to study for the exam with. However, I didn't know they meant it like "BUY IT NOW - IT WILL SAVE YOU TIME, ENERGY, AND EFFORT AND YOU WILL PASS THE EXAM". I thought they meant it like "it would help you do well on the exam, but you don't NEED IT" (aka all the recommended textbooks for my university career). So hello, I didn't buy it. Anyway, after meeting with Mel today the consensus was that it was a good investment as we made the following observations:
1. We are screwed
2. There are 6 days left and we haven't read a word since December
3. We never knew anything in the first place - so "refreshing" isn't even in our vocabulary
So, I said to Mel "yeah no prob, I'll go pick it up at the Chapters at Bayview Village before I go to work at BR today". So I go to Chapters super early and I look on the computers there, alas, there were no QRTOTs in any Chapters in the GTA. I said okay and I went to the library at BV to see if they had any copies anywhere. However, they only had 1 copy at the reference library. So...I am screwed and forgot my library card and my time was running out on the computer and I had to get to work. So in a rush I bought it off Amazon.com but stupid it won't arrive until July 6 or 7!! So I quickly get the number for UofT bookstore and call them. The guy said he had one more QRTOT left and I put it on hold. But it is the Friday before long weekend and they won't be open again until Tuesday morning and they closed at 6pm tonight. BUT I AM WORKING TILL 7PM!! Crap...so I go to work and find out my shift got cut until 5pm but it was still not enough time to make it downtown. So I begged Helen to take my shift and she said yes! Thanks Helen! :) Maybe I should have bought it 2 years ago when everyone else did. And so I subway 3 subways to St. George Campus and walk to the bookstore. I read about ADD/ADHD between Bloor Station and Sheppard Station and made it back for the last goal of Italy vs. Ukraine.
I am a star. Trust me with your children.
Sorry there's been no writing lately but it has been insanely busy around here!

Paul invited me to the draft! Thanks Paul it was awesome!
I got a free hat, free beer, all you can eat pizza and subs, I saw Charlie V, MoPete, and Joey Graham, Bryan Colangelo, Chuck Swirsky, Leo Rautins and his gang, and the Raptor! I stood on the floor that LeBron James scored 52 pts on and VC shot that dagger of a 3 against the Raptors last year. And I sat in platinum seats. Too bad the game wasn't on...but it was still sweet!

Our first round draft pick Andrea Bargnani!

Congratulations G! Valedictorian! Give me your free watch. Now.

Following in my footsteps...
Aha. Busted.
In both definitions of the word.
Mistake #2 - confirmation of stalkerage. But regardless...busted.
Get a life. Enjoy the pictures on this blog.
Sadia's AND Lisa's birthdays!
What a weekend :)
Had an awesome time and celebrated two of my lovelies' birthdays...
Saw people I haven't seen in ages.
I love you guys!

So it's been awhile since I've really updated my blog other than my trip (which I ended after I started only writing emails)...
...but, France was amazing and Italy as well. I had such a great time and met so many people! It was awesome to travel with Lindsay and I miss her now while she's in Greece.
There are so many stories to tell and pictures to post but I've uploaded them once on Facebook and I will be making a scrapbook after my boards. :)
Currently, I feel like I haven't left as orientation for work has been in full swing and I've gotten so many instructions and binders and blah blah that my head is spinning! I'm excited though...I start to get referrals next week. Sad that my first paycheque is going towards a filing cabinet and a fax machine. Humdinger.
Anyway, it's Sadia's and Lisa's birthday this weekend and then the following week is G's graduation and maybe beach. Then it's boards and then Summerlicious (Nectar, Spoon, Trapper's, and Urban). WHEEEEEEEEE. And then CALI! :)
So here's some of my fave pics from my trip...

Cinque Terre



Making a pyramid...in front of "The Pyramid" @ the Louvre :)

Chamonix (French Alps - Mont Blanc)

Paris @ night

Krista and I in Nice


...I think people I don't want seeing my blog see my blog (other than bigdaddy).
I don't want to close Facebook too. I like it a lot more than Friendster.
Why do people DO things like this? Friggin' V nutsos.
Stop following me.
Pictures and stuff...
Ever eaten so much your back hurts?
Oh man. All you can eat sushi...
Amir told me about this video at dinner today:
Do you check your email? Which email should I send to? You must tell me where you are going in Europe...there's so much to see! :)
I'll send an email to your hotmail and UBC accounts so check them!
P.S. When my boards are over I will update huge but for now, most of my pics are on my Facebook and I am also planning on putting together a scrapbook soon. Sorry I've been MIA...will update soon!
I'm returning tomorrow!! Can't wait to see everyone. I don't know why my keyboards are always messed up here...but I'll keep it short.
(Happy birthday SULLY! Love you lots xoxo)