Hello friends!
Yesterday we went to the OSU gym complex! IT WAS HUGE!!! I couldn't believe it. And it was just Phase 1 of 3. When the rest of it is going to be built it will be the biggest in the nation! Can you even imagine...
WOWZA! Maybe I should go there and do some sort of degree so I can use the gym. They have everything in there and it's ALL NEW from this school year! I think it must have cost hundreds of millions of dollars. They had 32 flat screen TVs with different channels just in the cardio room. I could watch NFL, NHL, NCAAB, NCAAF, NBA and tennis all at the same time! And how ergonomic of them too...haha...
Anyway, I used their weight room, and we all played basketball, frisbee and then we went rockclimbing at their indoor wall! It was so cool. My traps and posterior deltoids hurt today though. Help, Mark!
We also went bowling and we might go again and we ate at all you can eat pizza, pasta and salad! It was yummmmy!
We've been to many buffets this week.
Also, tomorrow I think I am going shopping. I want you iPod!
I'm going upstairs to learn ballet from Ga-Yee now.
NYE plans: watch all the bowl games and drink some Bud (Light).
I MISS YOU ALL!!! I'm coming home soon, loves of my life...:)
I apologize for the lack of updation...
It's been insanity the past couple weeks. Seeing old friends, working a LOT, taking care of my hurting feet after long days at work, NOT working out (...I know), eating a lot...and now I'm visiting family in O-HI-O! Christmas was fun - exchanging presents and eating the fam went to see King Kong but since I already saw it (and I hate watching movies twice)...I saw Narnia by myself. WORST MOVIE EVER. I fell asleep right after the kids found the stupid wardrobe. So sad. Definitely did not do the book justice. Anyhoo, I think we might go play tennis and bowling sometime soon...and probably more movies and food? Just relaxing here...
Played poker A LOT (and got a rotating poker chip thing for Christmas from the cousins), played Cranium once, and lastly, some ping pong. Also, been honing my Text Twist skills. As you can see, I'm definitely in my nerdy element here.
Stay tuned for more stories about poker hands and movies...
Happy holidays, loves!
"You may not see it now," said the Princess of Pure Reason, looking knowingly at Milo's puzzled face, "but whatever we learn has a purpose and whatever we do affects everything and everyone else, if even in the tiniest way. Why, when a housefly flaps his wings, a breeze goes around the world; when a speck of dust falls to the ground, the entire planet weighs a little more; and when you stamp your foot, the earth moves slightly off its course. When you laugh, gladness spreads like the ripples in a pond."
- Norton Juster, "The Phantom Tollbooth"
...don't even bother. I'm not home. Physically and cognitively.
It's been SO busy here it's absolutely insane.
I haven't even had time to breathe!
I'll update you all once I get a chance. It's already 12:10am. I need to sleep soon. I'm just waiting for my hair to dry and checking fantasy stats. And talking to Mark about how he is studying neuroanatomy for fun. Well for his PT National Exam which is 3 months. And he just finished school exams. HD.
BR is crazy, life is crazy, family is crazy!
Heading to the big O DOT in a few days. Looking forward to real vacation...
Triplet reunion tonight...good times and good friends as always :)
That's about it.
Oh, I saw King Kong. GOOD STUFF.
My feet hurt.

Lebron makes me happy.

It's been awhile since I've posted. Life has been so busy in the past two days that I feel like I've been back in Toronto for a week! I haven't had the time to call J.Lo, Lin, you people...I'm calling you SOON. I've worked both days (quite early) and Puneet was visiting so we went shopping and then I saw SCARLEY for shopping fun, Marche fun, wine fun, crepe fun, and bubbletea with Jon! Then I came home and passed out. Tonight...mayhaps Krave with Scarley, VChau, and Stephie. Tomorrow is day off and annual Lindsay Christmas Party! I think I'm finally going to go to the gym today. It's been forever. I miss everyone in Ktown already and I'm excited to see you guys in Toronto! :)
On a much happier note...
AND GB ORIGINAL SITTING NEAR ME IN EXAM!!!! Good thing I didn't notice until I was almost done...or else I might have just stared for 3 hours. HEE HEE!
sfeh&6*7*&%^$%#jhfhaajo wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!

I knew I shouldn't have written such a long blog yesterday.
100000000 pages of CBT, SST, mood disorders, personality disorders, substance abuse and crisis intervention separate me from FREEDOM.
Observations part 3

I am at Club Stauffy. There are a lot of people here, but not A LOT of people (yet). Duke and Texas are playing today and I can't watch. Because I am at Club Stauffy. It is also a double-header today. And I can't watch...because...
And the guy in front of me is eating a stacked on sesame from Common Ground. I want it . He also has a smaller Dell computer than me, that fits in this little pouch. I bet it actually works. The engineering guys beside me fulfill my generalization of unshowering, un-deoderanting Eng guys. The guy in front of them just came back from a smoke and it smells so much I can smell him from here.
Basically I smell smoke, un-deoderance and stacked on sesame. I still want the stacked on sesame though.
Can someone take me somewhere far away from here? Like to a place with stacked on sesames and CBS?
It's only noon. Stauffy is exciting. More observations later.
EDIT: 1pm - SOSG (stacked on sesame guy) is messaging his friend that is sitting beside him. He has done no work since he's gotten here. Even his new friend is doing work. I'm just jealous of his sandwich. I haven't done any work either and I am a day behind in my work schedule. HEEEEELPPPP I'm on my blog.
EDIT: 230pm - Stacked on sesame success. I went to get my own. Mel has accompanied me at Stauffer and she is sitting next to me. Well she's gone now to get her own stacked on sesame. It's an epidemic. I promise I'm working on working. I also got a tea biscuit and Jeanny love brought me baked Christmas cookies!! SOSG in front of me is still not doing any work. Halftime - Duke 45, Texas 33. J.J. Redick is a MONSTER. 22 points at the HALF. WHEEEE WOOO!
EDIT: 515pm - SOSG is eating a "dan tat" (egg tart). I WANT. WHAT THE. Wow I've really done nothing except have conversations with the following people: Mel, Mark, Des, Amy, JGW, Eric, and Big Rich and Kerwin on MSN re: JJ Redick's friggin' 41 point game!
AND AMEYA MHATRE ON MSN RE: STALKING ME. Ok, this update is short - I have to finish this clinical reasoning essay. MY GOODNESS.
EDIT: 520pm - SOSG got a Christmas package from his friend with candy and hot chocolate packages and candy canes. He is number 1 luckiest person in the world officially.
EDIT: 6pm - SOSG is asleep so no news on that front. But I did go to the washroom and some girl in the stall next to me wasn't wearing shoes. ARE YOU TRYING TO GROSS ME OUT???
EDIT: 10pm - SOSG, SOSG's friend and Mel left me!! I finished my essay. I printed it out and ate schwarma at Famous King. Diq wants to say something now - FOR THE _____IN' RECORD I'M NOT ____IN' WHIPPED. He's lying. Anyway, we ate at Famous King and I really wanted bubbletea all day at the library but I was too full after schwarma. Time to start Mental Health.
A complicated kindness...
I heard Tash say: Nomi, you're sad, man. Get a grip. Walk away. What have I taught you? And I thought: You taught me that some people can leave and some can't and those who can will always be infinitely cooler than those who can't and I'm one of the ones who can't because you're one of the ones who did...
One for the history books...

...and the inception of "I HEART YOU!"
I can feel you, Christmas...only another exam, presentation, report and essay to go in 5 days! WHOOP!
So I lied...
PROPOGANDA at its finestIn other news today: I ate a pizza for dinner.
Medium. 8 slices. Crusts and dipping sauce included.
People who know me won't find this too surprising. But I haven't done it in awhile and I'm out of practice. It is 6 hours after the fact and I'm still burping.
Before ordering my pizza I went to Starbucks as per usual after my Goodlife-ing to order my Grande Chai Latte and a snack (today it was a Cranberry Bliss Bar) to tide me over during my 10 minute walk home. I was going to save it as a treat for dessert, not knowing I was going to eat a pizza. So I figured the bar wouldn't be any good tomorrow, so I ate it. And then my housemate, Natalia, gave me Lindt chocolate to eat during my studying (she's so pun intended) and who am I to refuse chocolate? HA!
Well the joke was on me today. Good thing I already had my backpack downstairs because there was no way I could stand up from my chair, let alone go upstairs to lug my bag down.
Next time I have this great idea of eating whole pizzas, someone please stop me. It hurts. And now I can relate to the time we made Amy finish her dinner until she cried. I could feel tears welling up. HAHAHA...ah.
Also, I thought about the Goo Goo Dolls and Third Eye Blind today. So I downloaded their stuff from long ago. I wish I had my music from my old computer. I need some classics. Like K-Ci and JoJo.
QUIZ TIME! Which is worse - not being able to sneeze or not being able to burp?
Last post before the craziness ends...
...unless something really good or bad or funny happens.
Like me seeing a dead squirrel on the SIDEWALK. On the inner part of the sidewalk too. Almost in the yard. How did it die? Old age? I just always assumed squirrels got run over by cars before they got to old age. I guess he was a lucky one.
Like how the ergo midterm was marked easy and she made it out of 80 marks instead of 90 because the class failed.
Like...let's not think of the bad things right now because there could be a potential slew of them at this time of the year.
Starting today I'm going to post a picture that has some meaning...from WAY back in the day to present day. Maybe I'll have a quote of the day too.

The Incredibles. No quote required. Does anyone have the old Incredibles picture??123helpme.
I left Queen's for the weekend to go to UofT Scarborough Campus (UTSC). It's pretty nice here now that they built all new buildings. They have those stupid Sun Microsystems crappy computers too so it's not just us! All of their buildings look very a mix between Goodes and ILC. Earthy and...cementy...but new and modern. Anyway, so it's not as ghetto as I originally thought...and to the rest of the snobs at Queen's...UTSC is actually alright. Hahaha...Lindsay is in class right now (on a SATURDAY...AND it's 3 hours...AND she has a quiz...brutal). Yesterday went shopping and sushi dinner. So full, but so good. Subwayed (and drove) home. Note to self: a lot of time is wasted when you're commuting. Sigh. I need to fix my laptop...never buy a Dell.
Be back later...
EDIT: Sun Microsystems mission MAJORLY FAILED. Didn't even open my MSWORD document. Even the Sun O/S computers we have at Queen's converts the document into StarOffice. And the entire library has Sun. You have to go across the entire campus to get to Microsoft. Geez. At least the libraries at Queen's have the option of waiting for a regular computer. Okay, forget my previous comments - we are officially superior.
I WANT YOU! open at Bloorview MacMillan and Sick dream come true!
In other news...fantasy looks good this week so far.
In Toronto - shopping with my Sta today and lots of study.
I want Go For Tea.
This taste of Un-Kingston for the next couple days...I dunno...I already miss my friends :(