Stay hungry. Stay foolish.
Wednesday, August 31, 2005
Tuesday, August 30, 2005
Wow, I'm lazy.
Think before you make up your mind
You don't seem to realize
I can do this on my own
And if I fall I'll take it all
It's so easy after all
Believe me 'cause now's the time to try
Don't wait, the chance will pass you by
Time's up to figure it out
You can't say it's too late
Seems like everything we knew
Turned out were never even true
Don't trust, things will never change
You must be dreaming
Sunday, August 28, 2005
Busy since I've been back...Family dinners, seeing Lindsay (you have some WEIRD stories), seeing JGW!, poker with poker champion Rich, Rich, Avery, AVL, Jon + posse.
Golf tomorrow and dentist and dinner downtown with Lindsay?
Today Bike Adventure with modified J-Crew aka "Now and Then" crew of myself, Jay, Janice, and J.Lo! Rollerbladed all around Markham...from home to Warden and 7 to Woodbine and Major MacKenzie to Elgin Mills back down to Angus Glen and to Kennedy and then across Unionville to Warden and 7 again! Good times through some manure smelling areas...but let me tell you, these Markham farmers are friggin' rich. Ridiculous. There was one house when we went onto this street that was closed to traffic. It had a 1 or 2 km long driveway in a FOREST. In their own FOREST. Like...all the trees around them were taken down except the ones surrounding this house. It had a beware of dogs sign so we didn't think we should risk our lives. Also, Jay buzzed the house of some guy with a wrought iron gate to ask how to get across the hole in the middle of the closed road. He didn't seem too happy. Here are pictures of us "now and thenners". Keep in mind: I'm Gaby Hoffman, J.Lo is the clueless one who thinks a certain something requires a man watering some flowers, Jay is the girly one who wants to win an Oscar, Janice is the wannabe boy Christina Ricci one that tapes her boobs. Au revoir for now. I'm sleepy.

Saturday, August 27, 2005
Some feel good stuff:
Needless to say, Vancouver was awesome. Hung out with great friends, met some amazing new people, enjoyed the sunshine...
Nine weeks later, I am a person armed with new realizations, new values, new perspectives. It's been an eye-opening vacation/work term. A time for personal growth and reflection, perhaps. I'm not sure exactly who reads this anymore, so when you all have time to sit down and chitchat with me...we'll get into the nitty-gritty. Looking forward to what the future brings. Pondering life goals, decisions, actions.
thank you...:)
Friday, August 26, 2005
Back to reality
It's been an amazing (to say the least) 9 weeks in British Columbia. It definitely exceeded all expectations and I'm thankful that I had a safe and awesome trip!If you've been following my blog, I won't have to recap my entire summer - it's been pretty eventful...definitely the best summer in a long time, even with doing my placement for 4 months straight. If you haven' have a lot of reading to do. >:(
Reflections, insiders to come tomorrow.
I'll recap my vacation week on Vancouver Island and Whistler though...
Seattle: August 19, 2005

Scarley and I embark upon shopping mission 34783 in Seattle, WA! Saw a truck carrying a cannon in it's trunk, Darrk Road, Sawashmimoo village, A&F real life model!!, Canadian debit card debacle, etc. Didn't buy too much, but it was good quality time spent with Scarley before she leaves for London in September. Ate at Vina's afterward with Leon, Jon, AVL, Princess, Sammi and Scarley and then proceeded to pass out on Sta's couch during Kung Fu Hustle.
Victoria: August 20, 2005

Port Alberni/Tofino: August 21, 2005

Whistler: August 22-24, 2005

Vancouver: August 24, 2005
Dinner at Vij's with Sta and watched "Red Eye" with Sta, Kev, Adam, Kelvin, and Edith. Movie was...subpar...what's happening with the movie industry as of late?? I need some good entertainment to fill my 3 week rest break with and I've watched all the seasons of 24, Alias, Sex in the City, and Six Feet Under! Had some drinks at Earl's after and ending up sleeping late.
Toronto: August 25, 2005
Lunch with my dear Farah.
Arrive and glutton on "lo fan" and yummiest homemade apple crisp of my life.
Help me, I'm so tired (and full).
Thursday, August 18, 2005
Hum dinger
I am the biggest idiot....however, an idiot that is $25 richer.
Countdown to escape: 8 hours.
Wednesday, August 17, 2005
1. I've learned what causes gout2. I had a 30 minute conversation about gout
3. I dreamt about food
4. I dreamt about Michael Finley going to San Antonio
5. I thought about what I'm going to eat tonight
6. I'm very proud of my ABI client for completing his self-care routine on his own and using my visual cues
7. I've visited a lot of people's blogs - sometimes even twice
8. I've thought about how Nike is absolutely mind-boggling
9. I really want a schwarma from the hole in the wall Pita place on Robson and Granville
10. I wondered what will happen to Joe Johnson
11. I thought about the family of the Brazilian man who was shot accidently by the London police
12. I wondered if George W. Bush procrastinates as much as I do (because that would explain a lot)
13. I'm hungry
14. I wondered how fast I could toss the paperclips into the box without missing
15. I slept in my office chair
16. I wished I had my basketball hoop that hangs off the back of your door and my mini basketball to pass the time
17. I also wished for one of those mini-putt things that spit out your golf balls in the office
Look at how much I've accomplished, and it's only 1:42pm!
I smell like a salty, wet fish. Now I know how sushi feels.Kayaking was awesome! Could have been better weather, but it was a lot of fun chit chatting with Princess on the open waters and getting caught in the middle of a regatta.
Inhaled WhiteSpot after strenuous upper extremity activity. Pretty good, too bad I couldn't taste much after I burned my tongue on the clam chowder.
Pre-drink yesterday at AVL's resulted in self drunkenness joining the rest of the druggie/drunken East Vancouverites on the SkyTrain and bus. My tomato face probably just blended in. You wonder why bus stations smell like pee...because drunks need to pee after all those frigging bumps, stops and starts. I know the secret now.
Looks like I might have to go into the office on Friday after all...even AFTER my evaluation. Damnation to references or I would just boogey after I signed that eval form. Is it sad that I'm already looking at placements for January-February and March-April 2006 as I'm finishing these mother placements? Avoiding and dreading mental health like the plague. I am only applying to Toronto and I'm demanding that my coordinator place me there...I will accept nothing less than Mississauga (haha)! Mental health looks like my last placement as there are CAMH positions at the Queen St. and Clarke sites during that session. I really want to do peds again for Jan-Feb. Sick Kids is optimal, Bloorview MacMillan looks good too...please system, don't place me in Kingston or Boonesville, Ontario...or worse yet, Boonesville, Newfoundland.
Below are pictures of Aqua, rollerblading adventure pt 2, kayaking

Monday, August 15, 2005
So yesterday I went to Kerrisdale and I rented "The Upside of Anger" to go with my self-indulgence night of sushi and bubbletea. I am making the best out of my bus pass! Jessica's Movie Review Rating gives it a 50 percent. So, lesson to be learned: don't rent a movie because it is the last one left (so it must be good). I was going to make it a Meet the Parents and Meet the Fockers marathon, until I saw this sole movie on the shelf. Sad. I stopped halfway when I woke up from my mid-movie nap and went to bed early.In OT news: I think I'm going to miss my ABI client! If anything, I really like working with the clients. Some of them are really nice and interesting to talk to. I learned a lot from seeing my client improve over the past 2 months. I'm not sure about the practice of OT; I mean scanning a page of mixed up letters to rehab visual scanning and cognitive attention make me yawn, let alone the clients. I am yawning as I type the word yawn.
In sports: Mickelson...a late bloomer? Shareef to fill the CWebb void?
Also, I need to subscribe to ESPN Insider. I can't hold out on only reading the "crappier" stories anymore.
Thought of the Day
Actually, thought of yesterday because my Internet was broken and I couldn't post.If you spend your whole life being scared of the horrible things that may potentially befall you, when will you ever live?
My preceptor told me that when I don't know what I'm doing or what I'm talking about, just fake it.
Confidence is respected. Strength is relative. Honesty is golden.
Idiotic Garlok told me that my dad reads my blog. Hello...Dad?
Sunday, August 14, 2005
It's Sunday
Beach day with Scarley and Sammi! Sausage fest 2005...but it's all good because frisbee playing and volleyball finally! GTs.Good Toronto day today, which is making me all the more excited to go home! Talked to Jay, JGW, Garlok the idiot, DIQ!, J.Lo, Jodie...
I miss my J-Crew :(
...and by that, I mean the verb, not the nounLunch in Yaletown and jewelery-making in Kits with Scarley! So good to see you and to catch up on the events in the summer...followed by huge nappage at Sta's and Aqua after with Louies and party central 2005. Swallowing fish filet meal apres alcoholic consumption of the summer #2 = death.
Vina lunch, rollerblading adventure pt. 2 with Adam at Seymour Demonstration Forest for the afternoon - good path, exciting hills, great workout...dinner at a hidden ramen restaurant on Denman...beat the rush thank goodness, there was a mother asian lineup when we left. Conclusion: next adventure in the life of Biggy = cycling the Orient Express.
In the (dream)works: NBA application (corporate, not athletic...heh heh), cycling adventure, ESPN internship, World Bank application, Raptors sweat-wiper-upper application, Final Four road trip, meeting someone famous (preferably of the Orlando Bloom/Michael Owen calibre rather than the Shawn Desman/Yogi Stewart calibre), finding a job and a future, adventure in Asia, prima ballerina
What if I told you that most of those are true?
EDIT: Post-placement itinerary confirmed.
Aug 19 - Seattle with Scarley
Aug 20 - Victoria
Aug 21 - Tofino
Aug 22, 23 - Whistler
Aug 24 - either Whistler or Penticton
Aug 25 - TORONTO!
Friday, August 12, 2005
Sad day
Quite possibly the saddest day ever.One word is sufficient: POKER.
Second: Diq, you would be ashamed of me...all those late nights of True Poker in Kingston while cheating on the phone and this is what has become of me. I have to break down and re-download it. Where's my cheat sheet of all the stuff you told me to go in or fold on?
Merci to AVL and AVL Sr. for American gifts and Shabu party in our tummies...:)
Last weekend in Vancouver...:) + :(
Thursday, August 11, 2005
Wednesday, August 10, 2005
WORST CLIENT EVER...People like her make me want to count beans for a living.
Edit: No word yet on my employment in the NBA (see post on August 2nd, 2005)...check back for updates.
Monday, August 08, 2005
The Chief (3rd peak hike)
The following are pictures from Farah and I's hike up to the third peak of the Chief in Squamish, BC. It was such a beautiful hike. I don't think all the pictures need captions, they more or less speak for themselves. However, the first picture is the infamous side of the mountain where people from all over the world come to mountain climb. Isn't it insane?? There are parts when you have to climb backwards I reminds me of Mission Impossible: II. You can't see them in my pictures, but if you're ever there and you look closely, you can see the people scaling the mountain! The picture of the stairs is during the first part of the hike, which was the most strenuous. So if you're thinking of ever going, don't be discouraged! It's absolutely gorgeous and more than worth it. If you're not a hiker, you can just go for the drive on the Sea-to-Sky highway and stop along the way. It's beautiful. The water looks tropical from the highway...I've never seen anything like it. Up next: speedboating and sailing again perhaps...

I'm very very proud of my VChau. What an exciting time in your life...I know you'll knock 'em dead at McMaster! I just hope they're ready for your fully-loaded brain. Look out, med school! Speaking from an OT perspective, I am 100% supporting your decision to specialize in geriatrics so that when you do become a doctor, you can refer your clients to my private practice. Hahaha...New beginnings for us very different ways of course...:)
In other news: Awesome weekend number 3598952. Lazy Friday with my DVDs, impromptu Grouse grind Saturday morning and then lunch at Earl's with Eunice and more lazy DVDs and FIREWORKS!, hiking the Chief (3rd peak) in Squamish with Farah on Sunday followed by L&G and Foundation (vegetarian communist-socialist restaurant) which was quite interesting with a discussion about capitalism and the economy with the a few people and the role of charity work by corporations (it all comes down to their own interests anyway). I was definitely in the right restaurant.
Friday, August 05, 2005
Go back...
We shall find peace. We shall hear the angels, we shall see the sky sparkling with diamonds.
- Anton Chekhov
I know I have this quote as the header on my blog already, but I felt that it was so incredibly fitting that I had to use it as an intro to this entry.
If you've been following my blogs recently, you'll notice I'm in Vancouver. It's been an awesome time so far - truly epitomizing my self-proclaimed label of "excessive" in all areas of my life - food (& apparently drink), work, socializing, adventuring.
The past few years have been pretty...intense to say the least. I've learned a lot, I've grown a lot, and I've realized a lot (in that order). Learning is only the first step. By learning, I mean recognizing mistakes or picking up subtleties in obscure daily events. By realizing, I mean coming to a point of contentment where you can apply what you have learned in your growing phase to start making decisions.
It's been a long time. Even for me. And today, with my curious tendencies, I can say that I looked, and I'm no longer sad.
Contentment has been redefined in my eyes and I'm definitely at the realization stage, finally.
As for more concrete aspects of my life...
I've met some great people in Vancouver so far and always with the introductions I am inevitably asked what I'm doing after graduation. It's something I've given more thought to now, as I look back and realize that I don't think Medicine was ever for me. I think I would have just regretted it if I never even took my MCAT. With that chapter of my life now closed, I'm looking into something totally different from health care. I contemplated Commerce earlier, and I've since realized I don't think my interests would be satisfied. I'm thinking something more along the lines of International Development or Politics. Or Law. Something like that. It's a work in progress. I'll keep you updated.
My time in Vancouver has made me realize how much life has to offer, so to speak. There's so much I want to do before settling down to a 9-5 job. I doubt 8 more months of school is enough time. Since coming here, I think it's really brought me out of my routine, allowed me to do things I normally wouldn't think of doing (including, but not limited to, eating at a restaurant by myself and having the hostess ask me in front of the restaurant..."ALL BY YOURSELF???"), and enjoying myself for the first time in a long time.
I sound like I'm in some sort of quarter-life crisis or something.
So, with naiveté semi-squashed, (some) inhibitions set aside, smile on my face, fresh air and sun beaming down with the diamonds sparkling in the night sky...I'll end this chapter with a thank you to all my friends wherever they may be (Toronto, Vancouver, PARIS!?!?) and Tolkien:
The Road goes ever on and on
Down from the door where it began.
Now far ahead the Road has gone,
And I must follow, if I can,
Pursuing it with eager feet,
Until it joins some larger way
Where many paths and errands meet.
And whither then? I cannot say.
Q: What does life without Gap look like?
Tonight: Six Feet Under Season 3 marathon + Thai Away Home curry that I've been craving for a monthTomorrow: Lunch with Eunice and family, rollerblading adventure #2, fireworks!
Sunday: Garibaldi day hike with Farah
In the works - Whistler, Suspension Bridge (I have a 2-for-1 coupon if there are any volunteers), golf, basketball...
SAN FRANCISCO...I think I might have to put a classified in the paper for fellow road-trippers or something.
Thumbs down to 2:30pm client meetings on a beautiful Friday afternoon.
I've suddenly developed a distaste for these wines, especially the Chianti and Chardonnay. Instead, I think I'll opt for a bottle of Yellowtail Shiraz or a stable Merlot.
A: A potential existence
Thursday, August 04, 2005
Uh oh...
I am self-diagnosing myself with carpal tunnel syndrome.My whole friggin' arm hurts.
Long day today...
Long story short: the fireworks were awesome...:)
Wednesday, August 03, 2005
Tuesday, August 02, 2005
Things to do to pass the time today...
Who else is excited?A job made for me!
Does Gap count as "sales"? :-/
Monday, August 01, 2005
Initial plan: pokerActual plan: alcoholic death.
...more to come later...when I awake from my coma
EDIT: What a weekend. Best one EVER! Rollerblading adventure on Friday and then Farah and I's crazy night with scary movie and police phoning (see previous posts). "Work from home" Saturday at WiFi Blenz on Robson & Bute, followed by yummy dinner at Presto Cuccino and fireworks! Sunday was church and dimsum and bubbletea (you knew it was coming) and then a bit of baseball and frisbee at Trafalgar Park. Then sailing with Eunice off Stanley Park, which was GORGEOUS! Absolutely beautiful...I'll post pictures soon! Supposed to go to Kelvin's to play poker and a chill night after a long day...however, impromptu clubbage plus alcoholism at 2 clubs in my dirty clothes, limp hair, and slippers. Love it. Crawled up Princess' stairs and passed out on the floor. WOO WHEE. Monday went rollerblading again and was almost late for work. Was incredibly tired...good thing I was greeter and didn't have to do anything ("I'm sorry, I can't leave the front, but here, _______ will be glad to get it for you"). More impromptu events like Moxie's and drinking and then they all went to play poker...tempting, yet what was left of my sunfried rational brain told me I shouldn't go seeing as how it was 11pm and work this morning was at 730am.
I really hope for Garibaldi this upcoming weekend! PLEASE we need 2 more people to come...if only to carry all of our equipment!
3 more days at Gap and I'm a free woman! Only 1 full-time job...FREEDOM IS MINE!
Important times: 12pm - lunch; 330pm - end of 1st work; 9pm - end of 2nd work; 945 - arrival at home and imminent sleep
Rounds this morning. Blinking a million times a minute to stay awake. How do I feel about what client? Who? Where? Huh? How many times can one person yawn before it is noticed as excessive? I am currently sleeping in front of my monitor with my back towards my supervisor and a wheelchair website on the screen. Should be a good one today.
I need a weekend to recover from the weekend.