You can't escape your karma...
BODY WORLDS was awesome!!! Even at 1am...hahaha...the dissections were so good, if our anatomy lab specimens looked like that maybe we would have all done better...:)
Cinderella Man was a good movie too...but surprise, surprise I kinda fell asleep a few (dozen) times.
Worked Saturday and Sunday...IM EXHAUST! And I have to "review some stuff for tomorrow's first day at CMHA". SIX WEEKS...I CAN'T WAIT!!!!
I am totally looking forward to Europe...Lin and Scarley, YAY!
I had this really, really gross story about boogers hanging from the nose of this dude standing OVER ME on the bus but I thought it wouldn't be PG-friendly.
Use your imagination.
Delly Part 2

Hello fellow bloggerellas,
UPDATE on Delly (reference post below): I called Dell again regarding my computer because he (Delly) was having a bad day (aka his power switch wasn't turning on even after 30 minutes!). So I talked to "John" this time and he told me the turning on the comp problem was a hardware issue while the winlogon.exe errors were software. Hence, he walked me through computer surgery and told me to LITERALLY OPEN UP MY COMPUTER (screwdriver and all) and I lifted up the skin of my computer (aka the silver part near my keyboard) and re-attached it hoping that the power switch would re-align itself and turn on from this point in time in only ONE PRESS (revolutionary!)!! I am now officially a self-certified and qualified computer surgeon.
So the update is...the hardware might be fixed so my computer turns on (quite important), however the software is still busted and I need to re-format my entire computer. Oh well, it turns on which is the most essential thing right now. The logoff process is so long that sometimes I fall asleep before it's done. I can't just click shut down like normal people because I have to turn it off manually after it attempts to shut down itself (see previous post regarding dear Delly).
You can compare this hardware/software thing with a big scar on your face and internal bleeding. The big scar is now fixed with plastic surgery. But my computer is bleeding out like there's no tomorrow.
Calling in for a referral to a qualified computer internist.
Dr. Lee, DDS (Doctor of Dell Surgery)
Best sports weekend ever...+ Supermarket

Lounged all day and watched Canada/Finland and Sweden/USA and Indiana/Illinois and UNC/Wake and then All-Star Game, Desperate Housewives and Grey's Anatomy!!! I am a TV junkie.
Yesterday...dunk competition...Iggy and Nate's dunks were siiick.
Anyway...also yesterday J.Lo, Chris, JGW, J.Lo's friend Shelly, and I went to Supermarket. Waited for ages to get inside and all of our toes were frozen but it was a fun night!!
Before Supermarket JGW had to pee real bad so we went inside this sushi restaurant. I waited for her at the front of the restaurant which was closed by that time and 3 seconds later some brown dude came in and asked me if he could use my washroom.
Humdinger. Just 'cause I'm asian in an asian restaurant...I work there? Hahaha...and I was even wearing my wool jacket, scarf and carrying a purse.
It happened before at Phnom Penh in Kingston too.
White dude: Hi I ordered the number 1 and number 6 for pick up?
Me: Um...I don't work here, but they do.
Again, I was there for my own pick up and was in my winter jacket and carrying my gym bag.
People are funny.
Je mappelle l'Idiot
I cut my finger deep with the potato peeler.
I peeled my finger. And right on the joint. What a hassle. Went to walk in clinic to make sure I wasn't going to get tetanus or something. She told me to buy liquid band aid and she said she couldn't sew it up because it was circle shaped and not sewable.
So now I have a gaping circle on my thumb. Right next to the index finger I cut with scissors when I was younger.
Oh well, good excuse for lying on the couch all day and watching the Olympics.
I would take a picture of it to show you all, but I need two hands to hold open the lens of my camera.
1. Today our client happened to be an audiologist and funnily enough she brought all her hearing gadgets for our assessment. So part of our assessment was a simulated activity of her doing a hearing examination on me. She poured this blue gooey putty in my ear! First she put a spongy thing to block off the rest of my ear so the gooey stuff wouldn't go to my...brain? Anyway, so now I have an ear mold just incase I need a hearing aid anytime soon. It felt so funny in my ear and it totally blocked out any hearing in my right ear. So that was kinda random. She let me keep it. I tried taking a picture of it but it was blurry and the light reflected and all that crap so I gave up. Msg me if you want to see it next time you see me. Speaking of cameras, I can't find the CD for my webcam...Jay, do you have yours still?
2. LBJ 43 pts, 12 rebs, 11 asts...can you BELIEVE IT! Of course you can. Kev Tsang, can you hear me? A LEGEND IN THE MAKING...just call him "Air Bron".
Frank Gehry...anyone wanna see this exhibit with me? In addition,
David Milne is also happening at the same time. Let's go!
4. Boarding at Blue Mountain on the 25th? I want a snowboard.
5. Dell Inspiron 6000. May 2005 - (July 2005) - "Present". So I bought my laptop in May 2005. Everything was fine and dandy until I went to Vancouver in July and found out it doesn't turn on everytime I want it to. It has selective action taking. The on button doesn't turn on sometimes. Sometimes it takes 30 presses, sometimes only 3. If Delly is having a good day, he'll turn on on the first press!
So as if that wasn't bad enough, soon when I shut down my computer, it took about 10 minutes and then afterwards it wouldnt even properly shut down. Instead I would get the message "FATAL OPERATION. ILLEGAL OPERATION. YOUR COMPUTER HAS BEEN SHUT DOWN". It looks like an MS-DOS screen and then I have to manually turn it off. Then awhile after that started happening, when I started my computer, it gave me a message that winlogon.exe has performed an illegal operation. Sigh.
Oh, and my computer will never turn on if it's not plugged into the wall. If I want to go somewhere to use it, I have to turn it on at home, unplug it, hope that it doesn't die before I get to where I need to go. Hope that where I need to go has an electrical outlet. And when it is unplugged from the wall for too long and the lid is closed, it will still stay on, but when you open it again, the screen won't unblacken itself. But the computer is still on. So in this case, I have to hold the power button down on Delly and manually shut it off without properly shutting down. When that is over, I press the power button again to turn it on. Good news: when I manually shut down like that without properly shutting down and I try to turn it on again it has never failed me to turn on on the first press. KNOCK ON WOOD.
Oh, Delly, what a lemon!
So I called Dell customer service and got an Indian woman who called herself Kate. That is like the most un-Indian name I've ever heard in my life. I guess that's what Puneet does when she calls the pizza delivery people. I guess it's sort of fun for Kate. Every call she can be a new person. I knew her name wasn't Kate...she sent me an e-mail and her last name was Arushnamurti or something like that. Well "Kate" told me (after 2 hours of troubleshooting) that I would have to reformat my entire computer. GRRRRREAT. Thanks a lot, Kate.
Speaking of which...should it really be allowed for companies like Dell to "outsource" to India so they can pay a poor computer engineering student who probably has her PhD in her field less than what Dell would have paid IT people in North America? I don't believe they should call it outsource. It should be more like...less developed country call re-direction so we can cut our costs in half and I'm a jerk.
You and me, Ameya. Communists for life.
My eyes are closing now.
You know you're screwed when...
...people in Vancouver are going to sleep and you're still nowhere close to being finished your report that is due in 5 hours.
Did you hear that?
That's the real world kicking me in the ass.
See below for visuals of my legal briefs that I'm supposed to read and summarize PRIOR to writing my own 10 page report...all in...a day's work?
(My camera is broken so I have to hold open the lens with my fingers to take the picture. ENTER: Ghetto fabulous. One day I'll post the life story about my lovely Dell Inspiron 6000 laptop. I think I repel technology.)

Win some or learn some...
I got sick of looking at those boots every time I visited my blog. So I had to write a new entry. It is currently 12am and I'm starting my report that was supposed to be done Thursday night. Ha. Also, I started eating meat again. So far I've had that spicy beef noodle soup and my mom's spaghetti. Oh how I've missed you. Last night at Revival/Stone Lounge for Brando's birthday. Minorly slops. Work before that was kind of interesting. So it was SUCH a quiet Saturday at BR. I was bored beyond words and I was the only cashier so I didn't even have anyone to talk to. As I was pacing back and forth in the store I was thinking "I seriously wish something exciting would happen to me right now". THEN WE HAD A BLACKOUT!!! COOL, EH?? So we chilled in the dark and they let me go home early. Hee hee! Also, we were having a contest that day if we made our hourly goals. They would draw someone's name out of a basket for a gift certificate. I won and then they realized they made a mistake because they read the numbers wrong from the hourlies. I was so sad. I never win anything and then they TOOK IT AWAY! :( Oh well.
Work this week...I'm so looking forward to this placement being over. I'm sick of these FAEs!! Someone save me.
In other news: STRIKE like...a ZILLION A FIVE.
1. Rosewater Supper Club last night with Adam. Great food, nice atmosphere. Contrary to popular belief all the places I went to for Winterlicious filled me up. And if you know me, thats saying a lot. Good times!
Canoe - Food: 7; Service: 10; Atmosphere: 8.5; spaced out set up, food was normals, service was amazing - hostess, waiter, and server!
North 44 - Food: 10; Service: 0; Atmosphere: 8; we were literally 5 inches from the next table but the decor was cool and modern (I liked the chairs), the people were age-ist 'cause we were young no one cared about us, but the food was SPECTACULAR!
Rosewater Supper Club - Food: 8.5; Service: 8.5; Atmosphere: 9; food was tasty (my salmon and scallops were scrumptious), service was good, atmosphere was very nice - classy and unique design...
2. Brandon's birthday tomorrow at Stone Lounge (I think?)...sloppy times to ensue? I hope not. I will be your keyholder, Brandon. Haha.
Thought of the day: What is WITH people and wearing puppies on their feet? Is this the new Ugg? I friggin' hate those Eskimo boots or whatever. I don't mind a little bit of fur on a boot - it can be cute. But seriously, especially those white shag ones that look like that dog with no eyes and long hair? You know what I'm talking about? The fads these days baffle me. I'm sure I'll have the Canadian government on my behind for saying the word Eskimo. And the humane society for comparing dogs to shoes and proposing the idea that dogs can be made into shoes.

These are called Goat Fur. They are $195 USD. HD.

These are called Sarah. I wonder if that was the poor pup's name. They are $260 USD.
Also available at are: Silvia, Anna, Gigi.

Old English Sheepdog :( :( :(
Another phone call from another recruiter.
He didn't tell me he was looking for a guy OT.
He didn't ask me if I knew any PTs.
He didn't ask me if I wanted to go to Timbuktu.
He has such a thick Indian accent I was hardly able to figure out he was calling for me.
Thus, I don't know if any of the good news is actually true, I'm just hoping.
Gotta go - today's goal = running 22 flights of stairs.
Everyone put this picture up so I want to too
So Campbell Morden called me back today and Vancouver Coastal Health sent me an email.
CM: Hi, it's Tanya from Campbell Morden, are you interested in going to Belleville, Kingston, or Barrie?
Me: No.
CM: Do you know about OT guys who want an ergo job?
Me: Guys?
CM: Yeah, it involves heavy lifting so my client is asking for a guy
Me (thinking): WTF I can lift more than Dexter!!!!
Me (saying): Yeah, there are a couple guys in my class
CM: I also have positions open for PTs
Me (thinking): What do I look like...your biiitch??? WHAT ABOUT AN OT JOB FOR ME???
VCH: Will contact me when a position comes available.
Can I seriously go to Vancouver?
Hello Real World
To Whom It May Concern (AKA any of the billion employers I've sent my resume and cover letter to in the past 2 days),
- Jessica
This week has been INSANO. It just seems like if it's not one thing, it's another. Life in the fast lane, I like to call it.
So where do I begin? I've been MIA. What's been going on with everyone?
1. Canoe with Jay on Sunday! It was awesome. Presentation, service, food, ambience were all A+. Definitely recommend the apple crumble dessert. We got these really cool but funny tasting SPICY chocolates as an after dinner mint type of thing. Interesting. Hard to imagine spicy chocolate, but it exists. Good friends, good conversation as always. Me and you Jay - same wavelength. Free parking topped off a great Chinese New Year. :)
2. North 44 with Eunice. Awesome again. Food was a bit better than Canoe but definitely lost out on the service and presentation. The food was incredible! The salmon was scrumptious! YUM! The people next to us were incredibly odd. Kind of cramped, but worth it for the food. C'mon, I'm used to eating at restaurants with 100 white plastic garbage bag type table covers on the table at one time. (You all totally know what I'm talking about.)
3. HAPPY DAY ABOUT PLACEMENT! I'm at CAMH or CMHA...I don't know for sure yet. I hope it's alright! I'm glad.
I have to finish updating you on my life later.
Kev Tse just beat me like Baghdatis beat Nalbandian (again) and I'm depressed so I'm going to bed to dream about Solitaire Showdown.
EDIT: So about placement, I'm not sure exactly where it is yet or what I do, but I know it's mental health and it's 6 weeks. Hopefully it will be okay and I can just get it over with!
4. EUROPE: Plans will be finalized most likely on Friday. Looks like Toronto - London - Helsinki - Stockholm - London - Paris - Champagne Region - French Alps - Provence - French Riveria - Rome - Sorrento - Isle of Capri - Florence - Cinque Terre - Milan - Venice - Rome - London - Toronto!!! WHEW! I can't wait! Scarley in Europe, Lindsay, AND EUROPE!!! Oh, I'm excited.
5. YIKES about pending national exam and applying to graduate and sending out resumes by the dozens...real life here I come!
6. Went to visit VChau in Hamilton on Thursday night. So nice to finally spend some quality time with her! Whenever we're in Toronto we're so busy or we're out and about. She showed me around Hamilton and then I left mid-day to make it back to Toronto so Kev could drive us to Kingston for SNOWBOARDING WEEEKENDDD!
7. Got to Kingston SO HUNGRY and all we could think about was food and bathroom the last hour in the car so we picked up Amy and went to Dong Nai with her and Amir and Janice and Ericson joined us and then Diq came too! I ate a lot. Was going to to go to Smidgies but was EXHAUSTED so I went to pick up the keys from a drunken Kev who was ALREADY at a house party. Saw Sully and a few other people there randomly! DRUNKEN times, eh? Hahaha...oh dear. So after picking up the keys Puneet and I gorged on chips and ice cream and watched Two For The Money and I fell asleep in the middle of it. Woke up the next morning for snowboarding in Quebec with QKIC which was A LOT OF FUN! Some falls and tiredness but it was amazing! Conditions were alright, people were fun, AND I went on black diamond! WHEEE! I still suck though. Let's go again! I ate a lot of junk food. We went to Ottawa for dinner and ended up at an Irish pub - we drank Moosehead and ate bar food. J.Cho, Janice, Ericson, Steph and I had the most awesome conversation EVER. It's really a surprise what you can learn from someone after a pint of beer, food, hockey highlights and a tired day of snowboarding. Got back to KTown around midnight and showered and passed out. Woke up today at 7 for Kev to pick me up 'cause he had to be in Sauga early today. IM EXHAUST!
8. No work today - SUPERBOWLLLLLL!!! No work on Friday either (BR)...I am spoiled.