Draft #2 and #3 results
jess-tacular, 20 GMs, 8 rounds
Ben Wallace
Vince Carter
Andre Miller
Chris Webber
Desmond Mason
Sebastian Telfair
James Jones
Michael Sweetney
JubiLee, 10 GMs, 11 rounds
Tim Duncan
Baron Davis
Ron Artest
Larry Hughes
Donyell Marshall
Richard Hamilton
Luke Ridnour
Chris Paul
Desmond Mason
Stromile Swift
Sebastian Telfair
Raps' outlook isn't that bleak. Most staffers agree that they'd rank as high as second if we did power rankings for the Israeli league.
- Marc Stein, ESPN, alluding to the loss to the Israeli national basketball team 105-103 in the pre-season Power Rankings and the Raptors sitting in 30th out of 30 teams
So my Ergo class yesterday was a waste of time. The only thing I learned was that I am a Type A personality. Well, I already knew that. Don't ask how Type A personality and Ergo go together...something about Cognitive Demands Analysis? Anyway, so I looked into the characteristics of people who are Type A. Along with the following, is the almost definite prognosis of a heart attack. Um.
This is what I found:
Following questions may be asked to determine the presence of time-impatience 1. Do you eat fast and leave the dinner table immediately ? 2. Does your partner or any close friend tell you to slow down, become less tense, or take it easy? 3. Does it bother you a lot to wait in line at cashier's counter or to be seated in a restaurant? 4. Do you usually look at TV or read the paper while eating? 5. Do you examine your mail or do other things while listening to someone on the telephone? 6. Do you often think of other matters while listening to your partners or others? 7. Do you believe that usually you are in a hurry to get things done?
Pervasive and ever-present hostility can be assessed by the following questions: 1. Do you often find it difficult to fall asleep or difficult to stay asleep because you are upset about something a person has done? 2. Do you believe that most people are not honest or are not willing to help others? 3. Do you become irritated when driving or swear at others? 4. Does your partner, when riding with you, ever tell you to cool or calm down? 5. Do you often have a feeling that your partner is competing against you or is too critical of your inadequacies? 6. Do you grind your teeth or has your dentist ever told you that you have done so? 7. Does the car-driving errors of other drivers, the indifference of store clerks, or the tardiness of mail delivery upset you significantly?
Dr. Friedman has identified two psychological and six physical signs as major indicators of TAB. According to him these eight signs are almost always diagnostic of TAB. The two psychological signs are: 1. Presence of impatience or easily induced hostility. 2. Constant apprehension of future disasters (which is not a symptom of an anxiety disorder or depressive disorder). The six physical signs are: 1. Excessive perspiration of the forehead and the upper lip. 2. Teeth grinding. 3. Indentation of the tongue due to its chronic pressure against the top incisor teeth. 4. Tic-like retraction of the upper eye lid. 5. Tic-like retraction of the corners of the mouth. 6. Brown coloring of the skin of the lower eyelid.
Humdinger. Who the hell is Dr. Friedman anyway? Maybe I am 80% Lynette Scavo and 20% Bree Van De Kamp (only for her anal retentiveness...ask any of my group members) afterall...
That explains a lot about me. It explains why I split my laptop widescreen so that I can watch Arrested Development on half of it while keeping up with the World Series Live Gamecast on ESPN.com on the other half. Maybe it explains the fact that I am writing this blog, listening to Usher, reading ESPN's NBA Preview, going through the Queen's Best Resumes and Cover Letters book I just bought from Career Services, and taking out the binding from the Domestic Violence workshop I attended so I can hole punch it for my portfolio.
The bird of paradise alights only upon the hand that does not grasp.
- John Berry, Flight of White Crows
Humdinger. I keep downloading seasons of TV. For example, I just caught up with all the Desperate Housewives episodes. I am currently watching Arrested Development and downloading Grey's Anatomy. I want to see Lost next and then I really need to watch the 4th seasons of both 24 and Alias! Plus, it's baseball playoffs, hockey and basketball (both NBA and NCAA) seasons...I mentioned I was in the middle of watching Arrested Development, but at this EXACT moment, while I'm typing this post, I'm "watching" Game 3 CWS/ASTROS on ESPN Gamecast. 123helpme.
In other news: I think I'm backpacking across Europe April 11-May 24.
1 week at each group of countries/cities. If time is a factor, I might cut out Portugal/Spain and save it for my Mediterranean trip to Greece and Turkey when I go.
Friggin' Lindsay, don't bail on me!
I miss Triplet time...I'm craving some Riesling and good food right now. Now that I said it out loud, I'm pretty hungry.
I heart you...
Spreading like wildfire...
I just wanted to say that I heart my lovelies: ST, ST, DC, and AH.
You are all strong women and I have so much faith in you...
I used to say that I wished things were different, but I know that out there...there's a reason why things aren't different and it isn't until you see that difference that you truly see the silliness of aforementioned wishes.
VChau calls me optimistic. Princess thinks I'm jaded.
Thinking about critical reasoning when it comes to this subject, I must say, we've come a long, long way, girls.
You are my daily heroes...
Along with that girl with an trans-femoral amputation on Oprah who FINISHED the Iron(wo)man in Kona, Hawaii. W T F!
I think I should photocopy 365 copies of my fortune that said: "Tomorrow is going to be an important day for you"...and give myself a new one every day.
I finished Desperate Housewives. What am I supposed to do now? Design project, midterm studying, assignment, and placement stuff? Arrested Development, cookies, chips, and my bed?
Why...why...why do bad things happen to good people?
I just don't understand it.
Do nice guys finish last?
Do bad guys finish first?
Do good girls finish last?
I hate you all...
I need to hang out with Rehab people more. And I don't mean people in Detox. I mean students in the School of Rehab Therapy...
...or a particular student.
WTF to certain person who will remain nameless.
You make me so sad...
...and you don't even know...
you don't even know.
DONE on December 13th! I'm coming home!!!! :)
See you in less than 2 months!
(...and by 'you'...I mean...my mattress in the basement and the new TV we got)
Tomorrow will be an important day for you
That's what my (second) fortune cookie said today.
I had to get a second one because my first one said that I had good gardening skills?
Anyway, Princess sent me a good song; The Stars - Calendar Girl
Bathroom design weekend, Elixir for Pat and Diq...who by the way, has a blog. What is this world coming to?
Montreal the weekend of November 19th!! Come one, come all...
London plans in the works - depart sometime late April.
In sports: Anti-climatic game 6 win last night. Astros win like I wanted and hopefully it's gonna be a good World Series. Go Sox! Grant Hill with a new injury? And I can't wait for NCAA ball to start up. See ESPN for ESPN Motion videos on preseason notes for Big East, ACC, Big 12, PAC-10, etc.. Big East is the new ACC! WOOT! Two more drafts: October 30th.
Second placement announcements in mid-November. Hanging in there...less than 30 days of class left!
Sunday afternoon...
Time can take its toll on the best of us,
Look at you you're growing old so young.
Traffic lights blink at you in the evening,
Tilt your head and turn into the sun.
Alright, I can say what you want me to,
Alright, I can do all the things you do,
Alright, I'll make it all up for you.
I want Kevin Garnett, dammit.
I'll settle for LBJ.
Also, the clips from the new EA NBA Live '06 are sick.
This girl at work is 21 and has been engaged 3x. EFF?
4/11 pages...123helpme.
168 hours in a week.
19 hours of class.
1 hour walking to class.
11 hours of gym.
2 hours walking to the gym.
12 hours of work.
49 hours of sleep.
1 hour of shower.
14 hours of eat.
5 hours of ESPN.com.
5 hours of news.bbc.co.uk.
5 hours of "Desperate Housewives: Season 1".
3 hours photocopying/printing research articles.
4 hours reading research.
20 hours 10 hours writing essays.
2 hours on this blog.
15 hours 25 hours on MSN.
jess-tacular (Part I):
Andrei Kirilenko
Larry Hughes
Chauncey Billups
Luke Ridnour
Jamal Maagloire
Donyell Marshall
Darius Miles
Eddie Griffin
Jessica Lee, OT Reg. (Ont.) basketball analyst extraordinaire!

So instead of writing my ethics paper due Monday, I thought I'd write a basketball essay.
Oh, Amare, Amare, Amare, my love...
Right after signing a max. contract your knee decides to microtear itself? Please microtear gods, help him...don't let him end up a Grant Hill, Allan Houston, or Chris Webber (as much as I hate to say it)...or worse: a Penny. Then he'd might as well be worth a penny. Hee hee!
With basketball soon taking over my life...well it already has - preseason, fantasy stuff, etc. (Kev Tsang's draft is this Friday and then Enrico's and X-MEN!)...and essays and assignments and presentations and placement stuff up the wazoo, PLUS work and gym, it's going to be hard to keep up with NHL, NFL, college football, college basketball, and MLB playoffs. Thank goodness baseball is almost over soon and golf and tennis are over. It's also good I have no life.
So the eternal question this basketball fantasy season: KG or Bron? KG sitting out in preseason opener with knee pain and Bron complaining about his chest...I don't think any of you should draft them. :-D...I do however, suggest Amare Stoudemire. Red Rocket also comes to mind.
What an interesting offseason...coaching changes (Brown with the NYK...if he can change that mess around and turn them into contenders, wowza), Miami stacking themselves with Shaq, Employee #8, White Chocolate, Wade, GP...where are they all going to find playing time? Points? Rebounds? Assists? What else has been going on...oh yeah, some controversy with Joe Johnson...what's the big deal anyway, it's only Joe Johnson and it was ATLANTA...they are as much of a team as Toronto.
Sacto will be A-OK I think...now that Phoenix isn't winning the the Pacific, let alone the West, my Kings only have to duke it out with um...Lakers, Spurs...and...Mavs...123helpthem.
Artest is bizzack...I expect big things...I don't know who's reading this right now...not like I have any big fantasy secrets but...
...HAHA yeah right! You must subscribe to Jessica Insider for that.
And idiotic
Marcus Camby wants a STIPEND for the dress code David Stern is imposing. A STIPEND! As if they don't make enough money already...and it's for DRESSING PROFESSIONALLY. Like the PROFESSIONALS you're supposed to be? Remember? He wants the money to pay for the clothes they have to wear. HA! Maybe the air is thinner up there...
Raptors trade Skip for Mike James. Humdinger. They are also ranked 30th out of 30 teams for the preseason analysis by ESPN. And on that note, THE END.
I would write more right now but I'm starting to fade out and my arms are so sore it hurts to type on my unergonomically positioned "workstation", which by the way consists of my bed, 2 pillows on my back and my laptop on my lap.
More to come after Friday's draft. :)
Happy Thanksgiving
Dear Diary,
Thank you for life, love, family, and friends.
Thank you for school even though I act like I hate it, I don't. I just don't really like it all that much.
Thank you for people who understand me.
Thank you for people who put up with my rants, vents, political discourse, and confused moments.
Thank you for mango gelato.
Thank you for ambition, goals, and dedication.
Thank you for good food like my mom's turkey.
Thank you for memory sticks and wireless technology.
Thank you for good people who stick with you even through the bad times.
Thank you for people who celebrate your good times.
Thank you for people who write you long, meaningful letters to read on the plane to Vancouver equipped with a calling card and a bookmark.
Thank you for people who grow up with you and own half of the stuff you do, just in different colors and who listen to the Backstreet Boys on repeat while "watching stars".
Thank you for family who chide you when you're being idiotic.
Thank you for friends you meet through friends who turn out to be so different from you, yet for some reason, you're exactly the same.
Thank you for Lebron James.
Thank you for Naismith and basketball.
Thank you for 1984 (the year and the book).
Thank you for Canada.
Thank you for people who tell you you're a doormat when you're actually being a doormat.
Thank you for people who keep in touch with you even though you're X miles away.
Thank you for people who remember you after 4 years of non-communication.
Thank you for reflexes when raccoons try to maul you.
Thank you for people who are willing to eat with you and download seasons of TV off ResNet and skip classes for a year.
Thank you for people who give you shelter when you finish work on a Friday in Toronto, fly across the country on Saturday, and start new work on Monday.
Thank you for Cambodiana.
Thank you for the environment. I'm worried about global warming.
Thank you for movies like Crash and books like Hegemony of Survival.
Thank you for people who are so strong, even when starting a new life in the UK.
Thank you for people who I hardly talk to yet still send me e-cards on my birthday.
Thank you for people who are genuine.
Thank you for competitive sports, scouting reports, and ESPN.com.
Thank you for the writers of the Economist and please help the Americans of CNN, and Time Warner AOL.
Thank you for people who think like me and thank you more for people who don't, but thank you most for people who don't and force me to think outside of my own stubborn views to see the bigger picture.
Thank you for people who line up in a massive queue to buy me poutine while I'm crying my eyes out during Homecoming 2005.
Thank you for a job, even though it is at the Gap.
Thank you for mothers who make you honey and lemon tea and bring you sweaters and Tylenol when you're sick and writing an 8 page essay in one day that doesn't make any sense because I don't know what the question is.
Thank you to brothers who's idea of party central 2005 is taking a nap while watching a movie and eating all the KitKat and butter tarts.
Thank you for friends who listen so well, even when I've said the same thing for a year. Thanks for coming gymming with me almost everyday and keeping me company and knowing my real reasons for being upset or happy about life events.
Thank you for friends who were there the night before our Physiology exam. Think, think...do you remember?
Thank you for people who let me lie on their bed and waste time by telling them about my wacky stories when I should be writing an essay, assignment, or studying for a test.
Thank you for people who make me happy like GB1.
Thank you for people who motivate me and make me want to be a better person.
Thank you for Nature Burgers at Lick's.
Thank you for tennis racquets, golf clubs, frisbees, footballs, and the game of basketball (did I already say that?)
Thank you for people who take care of you, who let you take care of them, and for people who smile with you when the sun finally comes up again...
- Jessica
Well that was interesting...
Dear Diary,
Tonight was a time warp circa. 1999-2003. It was good to see everyone again. Shocked to hear about all those girls from HS having kids (3 that I know of so far, 1 married). Wowza. Good luck in all your endeavors...one teacher, one chef, one accountant/criminologist, one SW, one musician...2 RTs but mayhaps future OTs (I'm willing to trade degrees)??

I heart VChau a lot. Always willing to lend an ear...always up for a deep discussion in the car and on the walk to cluborama about moral and ethical issues. Tonight it was morals vs. practicality. She knows my moods and how I feel. Willing to listen to my essay about first-episode psychosis. HD - small, small world, eh? She knows what and who I need. OF COURSE WE'RE GOING TO EACH OTHER'S WEDDINGS!! Good luck...and see you at Christmas...:)

Weekend is flying by...essay isn't looking too hot...must remedy that tomorrow. Must also remember to post about basketball....KG or 'Bron?
- Jessica

Best line of the year & real life convo @ Stella's Afterlife thing
Him: Hi. Are you Jess, Janice's friend?
Me: Um...yes...
H: Oh, I'm Janice's friend from elementary school, Ivan. Is she here?
M: No, she's at Distrikt.
H: Oh, is she coming?
M: I'm sorry, do I know you?
Him: I saw you on Friendster.Me: Oh...ok, bye.
Prior to this conversation I saw him circling us and looking at me out of the corner of his eye. I think he was alone...
Then, I realized I lost my CAMERA! PANIC!!! I was looking all around for it and I asked the bartender and she told me to check the office. So I walked to the office and right outside were three guys looking at a camera. I don't know why, but for some reason I felt like it was mine. It could have easily been theirs but earlier in the night I took a few pics with Sta and AVL. So I'm like, "is that my camera??" And the guys said yes and I thanked them SO MUCH. It was on the floor! I find out 2 hours later that there are 5 pictures of them on it. 3 fatty mcfat fats!

...and the fun don't stop there...

Saw a lot of people I don't normally see which is nice.

JGW and Biggie's conclusion: boys are weird - even the normal ones.
Do you ever wonder what could be? (Part II)
HD 2005.
Back in Toronto...so far so good. Little bit of shopping, today studying, hair cut, breakfast with Klin, tonight cluborama for Sta, Em, and Tris. Turkey on Sunday, shopping tomorrow with Amy, Li'l, and J.Lo. I HAVE SO MUCH WORK TO DO THOUGH! Huh? Inpatient first-episode psychosis? I'm supposed to create a treatment plan? Well needless to say, I've barely gotten through the research. Ai ya. 8 pages here I come Monday night. Clinical interview on Tuesday...what am I going to talk about for 1 hour? HUMDINGER.
10K run next weekend with Brando? I think those last 5 km might be deadly...
Things are looking up, up, up...forget ferrets!
Aren't they rodents anyway?
I'm on cloud nine...!!!!
I got my Toronto placement today with I.V. League of Occupational Therapists Ltd. It's a private practice and I believe it's community. I'm not sure exactly what we do yet but I'm placed with another girl I'm friends with in my class who isn't hardcore either so I know we'll get along and she won't piss the shit out of me!
It's also at Yonge & St. Clair, which some of you might know, is the location of my favorite Goodlife!!! WOWZA!
I also ACED my Ergo computer workstation assignment! WHEEE!!!
I'm so happy right now!!!
Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!
I'm going home tomorrow on the 1:15pm bus.
YAY!!!!!!!! And shopping EXTRAVAGANZA!! :-D
Biggie's HOT/NOT list of October 3, 2005
I don't know who reads my blog anymore...I feel like it might be more than Lise, Puneet, Sta, Scarley, VChau, Steph, Eunice, Adrian, and apparently my dad (and I only know because you post comments...and dad, G-Ugly told me) so I feel like I can't write anything too personal anymore for fear of retribution or DBD (death by dad).
I'm probably in no position to make a hot/not list but during my spinning class the idea came to me.
NOT: Half shirts; HOT: Actual shirts
NOT: Bleh-y thoughts; HOT: GB1
NOT: OT 403 - Mental Health II; HOT: ...maybe if I could take electives I would tell you...maybe Ergonomics or Environments?
NOT: Bain (because my key is broken; Lisa: my key is broken); HOT: Club Stauffer
Really...I just don't like spinning to ACDC everyday but I thought I would make a list to make it seem less bad.

Finished the last season of Six Feet Under. What an AMAZING and thought-provoking show. Alan Ball is the definition of genius. I definitely recommend it to anyone who appreciates TV beyond reality shows. The series finale blew me away...the final song (see below), the story line...it was perfect. HBO is the best thing after the NBA. Wow...
Next: regression to "Desperate Housewives" and perhaps "Lost" after that.
Help, I have done it again
I have been here many times before
- Sia, Breathe Me
Do you ever wonder what could be?
HD weekend.
In other news: Jobs @ Nike
As our Golf Ball Lab Technician, you'll test golf ball manufacturing components and provide performance data to R&D Engineers and vendors. You'll manage, handle and maintain all lab equipments to gather reliable data for better products, including performing core lab tests on golf balls, which include weight, size, compression, durometer, hitting machine test, COR test, durability test and human performance test with launch monitor. You'll also be responsible for running all equipment, gathering data and developing reports. You'll manage the R&D database and assist in prototype golf ball modeling, conduct studies on new production method/machinery and test equipment development/installation. In addition, you'll be responsible for lab organization, general clean up and upgrading.
Time to start researching the aerodynamic, anti-friction golf ball.
I currently have pending applications at ESPN, NBA, and Nike. Potential locations: Bristol, Conn., New York City, and Portland, Ore.
Baining alone
Baining alone (on a Friday night) is quite sad.
First of all, you can't go to the washroom because there's no one to watch your stuff unless you pack it ALL up and then go. Cost-benefit, I suppose.
Second, there's no one to watch the World Series live on the computers with you when MLB.com was broadcasting it online. That was sweet, Ameya.
Third, there's no one to talk to about the gay couple or the smelly guy. I still remember when I had one of the best laughs of my life in front of the computer, MSNing with J.Lo sitting diagonally from me.
Fourth, there's no one to talk to about basketball pools.
Fifth, there's no one to bug me about going to Bain to MSN rather than to do work.
Sixth, there's no food or provisions without Lisa!
Seventh, there's no one to motivate me to do work ALL day and then take a break to eat egg and steamed choy while watching Shark Tale and then to go BACK to finish work.
Eighth, ECE students are pretty...weird...
Oh well, at least I left before the party of Chinese mullets left.
Today is Stauffer day with Sta. It's not even 4pm but I'm so hungry. New placement announcement date: Wednesday. Tonight's going to be a long one...